Boss Lady

The 5 challenges of a mompreneur


Not every superhero wears a cape, and this statement points to the role of a mompreneur. Tasked with the responsibilities of managing both the home and the office, she juggles between both, shape-shifting from the mother to the boss in instant successions. Living up to the expectations of both the family and the customers is a hard enough job, and the mompreneurs have been handling it with skill for a long time. According to a recent survey done by Entrepreneur, female entrepreneurs start twice as many businesses as men. More than 10 million businesses in the U.S. owned by women and more than 90 percent of them have children.

Amalgamation of passion with profession has been the forte of mompreneurs. Millions of women have successfully turned their passions into profitable enterprises. The trend of the remote work culture or the work-from-home culture was a brainchild of mompreneurs. They have always challenged the norms of the society and the traditional workplace environments. They are not afraid to make it work according to their satisfaction through unconventional methods of handling the family, the business and themselves as well. But just like every other entrepreneur pursuing the dreams of a successful business, mompreneurs are also faced with specific challenges which they need to overcome in the course of establishing themselves.

The art of balancing

Juggling the two roles of being a mother and a boss can be exhausting. In an age where children require the maximum amounts of guidance, support, and assistance from their parents, mompreneurs have a hard task ahead of them when it comes to time. They, however, have mastered the art of multitasking and balancing both the sides. The lines distinguishing her work and her home are blurred, and she has mastered the art of “being there” for both her family and her clients. She has quite literally bent the time-space continuum when it comes to her responsibilities.

A lack of funding

It is a universal fact that on an average, a female full-time employee makes just 80 cents on every dollar paid to a male employee. A greater disparity between the sexes comes to the forefront on the issue of venture-capital funding. Reasons may range from the nuances of female entrepreneurship to the systematic sexism of the business community. In any case, mompreneurs know where to turn to when they require an extra something. They seek out potential investors, small business grants and loans for women, and even establish partnerships when they require the additional capital to thrive.

Battling stereotypes

Yes we have developed and progressed from our past. But the shades of sexism continue to haunt the mompreneurs in subtly stinging ways. Successful women become less likable, maybe even a threat to the male heads of business, in contrast to successful men, whose likeability are in direct proportion to their success. Moreover, women have to prove themselves to their peers, employees or clients only to break the stereotype of female incompetency in business. Most women are also expected to focus on her household duties completely and hence have to opt out of their professions. The inflexibility of traditional workplaces is also a cause of opting out. Mompreneurs, however, know the art of making the most of every situation. They choose the remote work culture to fulfill both her duties and possess the capability to overcome her competitors and office counterparts, anytime she wants.

Converting energy into matter

Time management has been a difficult aspect for mompreneurs. However, she has mastered the art of meeting the needs of others as well of herself. The importance of a healthy diet, self-care, rest and a break from work which creates a work-life balance, are not overlooked by them. They do not shy away from asking help when required as well as taking up charge of delegating tasks. They understand the meaning of cooperation. They also know how to trade the less crucial things for what they need.

Learning to let go

It is quite difficult to not let the occasional indulgences sway you from your focus. However being a mompreneur, learning to let go of those things might just work for the best. Saying “No” when it is needed is an art mastered by mompreneurs. Be it work, or social life, mompreneurs know when to and how much to sacrifice in order to stay on the path of achieving their goals.

Struggles of establishing an identity in a world dominated by stereotypes is a herculean task. The gender divide is a constant issue. So are the unrealistic expectations of the society. Mompreneurs, however, are changing the norms and the way of the world. Success has not come easily to them. But they are slowly breaking free from the shackles of bondage, underestimation and turning their dreams into realities. Indeed they are unnamed superheroes who deserve more than just a customary appreciation. So if you know a mompreneur or are a mompreneur, understand and appreciate the unique abilities to be one and keep reaching new heights with them.

About Carol Lynn

Carol Lynn is a content writer at which is an educational service website. She is an avid blogger and expresses her thoughts on education, social media, PR, brand management and marketing topics. She is a passionate writer whose content is unique and well-researched.

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