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How to become an influencer successfully in any industry


This concise guide outlines the six essential factors in how to become an influencer, no matter what industry you are involved in.

The recommendation of an influencer is more powerful than ever before. Studies have shown that people trust family, friends, and influencers more than brand marketing messages. In fact, one in three people say they trust an influencer’s word over the word of a brand. That is a lot of trust shifted toward influencers. Not a bad thing if you want to be an influencer in your industry.

“Take advantage of influencer marketing as it stands today—it’s currently one of the most efficient and useful online marketing strategies around, and it’s likely to remain that way for the next several years,” Jayson DeMers explained in a Forbes article.

How to become an influencer successfully

Growing your follower count and making marketing relationships can be lucrative, as well as professionally rewarding. But it isn’t easy. The following essentials for influencer success in any industry can serve as your quick guide. Let’s dive in!

How to become an influencer 1. be unique and objective

There are no shortage of influencers, whether bloggers or social media stars, you can shape your influencer strategy off of. This is a common practice, but not always the best method. Instead, be unique and objective to become a real authority in your industry. The First Principle Thinking approach can serve useful for this. Objectivity can also help you stay more open to new trends and opportunities on the rise in your industry, allowing you to be an early adopter and share the message.

How to become an influencer 2. Choose just one or two channels

You may think that the more social media channels you share content on the better, but this is actually not the case. In fact, spreading yourself too thin can have the opposite outcome for your influencer growth and success. Instead, choose only one or two social networks and focus heavy attention to them.

You also need to think about the type of social media channel to use. For instance, if you are in an a very professional industry, LinkedIn and YouTube may be best. That way you can really focus on keyword research and optimizing those channels for maximum success.

How to become an influencer 3. Pick an industry

This is an important essential for influencer success regardless of the industry. However, that is the key point — industry. Most people who want to become influencers already have an industry. This is good, and you can easily leverage your professional network to grow your influencer channels. But down the road you may find a niche you want to pursue. The key is to not stray too far from your original industry, or else your loyal following will leave you.

How to become an influencer 4. Utilize the power of the written word

The trend in today’s digital era leans more toward visual content like YouTube videos, Udemy courses, etc. when it comes to delivering a message. However, never forget about writing. Blogging and publishing your videos with a supporting blog or transcription can boost your online visibility for keywords and increase the space your content takes up online.

Influencers can also direct potential customers towards your review page to help shed light on positive words about your company. For example, features an extensive review page from clients who have used the service. Set up a special testimonial section on your website and encourage your influencers to include it in their spotlights and content.

How to become an influencer 5. Create a content strategy and editorial calendar

One of the monikers of a strong influencer is consistency. If you pump out great authoritative content on a consistent schedule, influencer success is definitely attainable. This is the area many influencers struggle. To ensure you stay on track, set up an editorial calendar that is based on rich keywords that entice your target audience, as well as easy to rank for on Google.

How to become an influencer 6. Authenticity is authoritative

Being authentic is very important to having influencer success. The path of influencer is one traveled by many these days, and the only real way to stand out is to be truly authentic. Why? If you want to connect with your target audience and build a loyal community, you need to be authentic. If you are not authentic, people will know, and probably not listen to your message or read your content.

Ready to influence?

Anyone can become an influencer in their industry. However, not everyone can be a successful one, mainly because it takes a lot of work. The above essentials to influencer success can be a great starting point. They are not the end-all list, so it is important to ensure you research influencers that are already having success in your industry, and reach out to make them part of your network. Be unique and authoritative — success will follow.

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