Maybe you see your career as ‘the unsinkable’. However that’s what they said about the Titanic – so they weren’t on the lookout for risks that could endanger it. And we all know how that ended up. So without the necessary precautions, or with enough neglect, an iceberg could spring out of nowhere leaving you out of depth and unprepared. So what can you do to stop your career from sinking …?
[tweet_quote hashtags=”#career” ]A successful businesswoman remains committed[/tweet_quote] and never neglects important elements within her career. Paying limited attention to areas of importance could essentially mean disaster for your career and its progression. To avoid failure, it is vital that you don’t overlook the following requirements your career can depend on.
1. Power networking
It’s difficult to succeed alone, regardless of how independently you might want to build your career. It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. It takes networking to raise your career. Friends, family, ambassadors and mentors are the ‘village’ necessary to ensuring your career grows stronger. These relationships are often the gatekeepers to the introductions, which could enable valuable opportunities. Make a goal to meet one person a week or a month to create branches for your career.
2. Declining a connection with social media
Keeping up to date with social media is vital to your career. It keeps existing connections strong and builds new connections outside of your company. It’s a form of free self-promotion that you should embrace. There is no better way to build your image. Negligent behaviour towards LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook could mean little movement for you when attempting to climb to the top rungs of that corporate ladder. Connect with new people through social media sites such as LinkedIn and stay in touch with existing contacts through your social media accounts. Make an effort to do this weekly.
3. Connecting with people outside your company
There may come a time when moving companies is a situation you find yourself facing. Preparations for this beforehand should be completed well in advance so options are always available. It is important to nurture contacts that you don’t immediately work with through networking events, so your horizons will expand.
4. Keeping options open
Interviewing is a practice you should be exploring regularly to ensure you are creating the possibility of new partnerships and collaborations. Ensure you are doing this a couple times a year, regardless of how content you find yourself at your current job. You don’t know what your surprises your current job could throw at you, so it is best to be prepared for the unexpected. Practicing promoting your brand and abilities will ensure future prospects in the course of your business career.
5. Shaping your career
To gain promotion it is important to mould your career into the shape you want it to be from the outset. Take the reins and ensure it doesn’t steer you of course. Proactivity is key. Start right away by creating goals and forming a plan to ensure you meet those goals. These goals should be SMART goals, consisting of specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely aspects. Find a coach or mentor who can help you form SMART goals and steer your career onto the course of serious success. These goals will become a reality and shape your career into what you want it to be.
6. Ignoring criticism
[tweet_quote hashtags=”#career” ]Sometimes the best advice can be the criticism that leaves you shocked[/tweet_quote]. The advice you weren’t expecting to hear can change your outlook dramatically. It motivates a more critical outlook upon your career. If you are worried about a particular aspect about your career it is important to seek advice from a trusted source.7. Transitioning into a new career
Making the move towards a new career path can be intimidating. Treat the prospect like dress shopping. Trial various careers with research – or even shadowing placements during your leave — until you identify the one that fits best. Identify the best fit for you and upon that choice build up a plan with professional goals to get you on a path to success. Many reject the idea of transition due to the financial fears. There are simple ways to improve and redirect your career towards satisfaction without suffering any financial loss. Create goals and a power plan to get you where you want to be.
These seven necessities are the most commonly neglected guidelines among those striving to get the most from their career. Know that they have been identified you can make sure that dedication towards the neglected can be enforced.