Carol Trehearn
Carol Trehearn is a business and marketing specialist.
Boss Lady
A new office needs crucial things succeed: Try these strategies
If you want to produce high quality work on a daily basis, it’s...
Boss Lady
Find a business name that has impact: importance of the right name
A suitable company name is equally important for start-ups and larger companies. The...
Career Woman
Statistician jobs come in a range of types: what you need to know
This guide outlines the varied range of types of statistician jobs you can...
Boss Lady
Streamline business solutions: 3 ways to streamline in the new digital era
This guidfe outlines three smart and simple ways to streamline business solutions with...
Boss Lady
Startup success factors: 8 Essential skills for startup success
This guide outlines the most important skills and abilities for any startup success...
Boss Lady
3 Ideas to bring your business into the 21st century
Do you want your business to be thriving at the top of its...
Boss Lady
Women in STEM – What their future in the business world holds
This guide outlines the projected future for women in STEM, and the progress...