Gemma Lloyd

Gemma Lloyd is co-founder of Diverse City Careers (DCC), Company Secretary for the Diversity Practitioners Association (DPA) and has served on two not-for-profit Boards including IT Queensland and Females in Technology and Telecommunications (FITT). Through years of working in an industry under-represented by females, Gemma co-founded DCC with the goal of making a difference. It is now seen as one of Australia's leading ambassadors of gender diversity. DCC helps organisations embed diversity to drive outstanding results within teams and build better workplaces. Gemma is passionate about helping women achieve career goals and is a regular speaker at events focused on women’s confidence, personal branding and gender diversity. Such events include DCC's Better Ways of Working meetups, Women in Digital, XX in Tech, Griffith University’s “Leadership Engaging Diversity” and the keynote at SOPAC 2016.
Boss Lady
5 ways to keep your sanity when working from home
A recent survey by Diverse City Careers across its community of over 25,000...
How to train yourself to be comfortable with taking risks
Let’s be honest here, starting your own business is a risk, a huge...
If-then: A HBR tip for goal setting we hadn’t heard of
Last week, Valeria (Diverse City Careers Co-founder) and I hosted the “Setting yourself...
Boss Lady
5 tips to stay mentally fit under pressure
Entrepreneur life – and any career or business path — is a rollercoaster....