Gillian Nathan

Gillian Nathan is a qualified chartered accountant, with articled experience at a Big 4 firm. She is a Registered Tax Agent and an Associate Member of the Tax Institute. She has completed her Masters in Taxation and International Taxation. Gillian has both public sector and private sector experience, prior to starting and running her own successful tax practice. Gillian has sat on a board of directors at listed clients and been a member of the Junior Executive Board at the South African Revenue Services. In addition, Gillian has completed her Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and is a qualified secondary school teacher in Accounting and Economics. She has also lectured postgraduate courses and facilitated training and presented at in house training courses for employees of large listed clients. Gillian has combined her passion for education, taxation and accounting and started Simple Solutions Accounting Services. In this business, Gillian uses her passion for small business, educating and empowering business owners to implement affordable, time efficient and effective accounting solutions that provide the tools to allow business owners to focus on operating their business, yet having the ability to make real-time financial decisions.
Boss Lady
Starting a business step 7: final words of wisdom
Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a...
Boss Lady
Starting a business step 6: who is your fan?
Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a...
Boss Lady
Starting a business step 5: know your numbers
Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a...
Boss Lady
Starting a business step 4: business brand image
Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a...
Boss Lady
Starting a business step 3: business structure
Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a...
Boss Lady
Turn your hobby into a business: step 2 – business name
Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a...
Boss Lady
Turn your hobby into a business: step 1 – business plan
Following on from our overview of how to monetize your hobby, let’s look...
Career Woman
First 7 steps to turn your hobby into a business
On your marks, get set …. GO! You’ve ditched the job (hopefully gotten...
Boss Lady
6 questions to ask when you turn your hobby into a business
So your hobby is taking off faster than Pokemon Go! Okay, maybe not...