Peta McGrath
Peta McGrath is an accomplished marketing and career advisor, specialising in helping women develop their best possible strategies for career and business advancement.
Boss Lady
A BossLady guide to marketing a women-led business
Starting a business is difficult for anyone, but there are even more barriers...
Boss Lady
Overcome the hurdle of less meetings in the ‘New Normal’ office
The current global pandemic has changed work settings worldwide. The “new normal” poses...
Boss Lady
What is the new normal in business?
What is the new normal in the business world, and how will it...
Boss Lady
Own business: 5 Top tips for starting your own venture
This guide outlines the strategies for success when starting your own business, even...
Boss Lady
For online business success, follow these steps
The world of business is rapidly expanding and there is opportunity wherever we...
Boss Lady
Business trends are changing fast: 5 trends business owners must know
Running a business can often be stressful and exhausting. Whether it is a...
Boss Lady
Reaching financial independence from 9 to 5
Reaching financial independence is something all of us would love to do. But...
Boss Lady
Business essentials to help deal with a pandemic
The Coronavirus pandemic has many people worried, and they are buying items off...
Career Woman
6 Things to advance your career faster
Deciding to focus on your career is an amazing choice. And while advancing...