Taylor Tomita
Career Woman
Infographic: How to decide whether to quit your job
Nothing lasts forever. And the average job lasts just over four years, according...
Boss Lady
Infographic: How to use Excel to get ahead of the crowd
If you’ve ever had an office job, there’s a good chance you’ve used...
Career Woman
How the most successful women schedule for work-life balance
Does your schedule match your priorities? At first glance it may seem a...
Career Woman
13 Science-backed tips to boost productivity
Is productivity a solid, a gas, or a liquid? When it flows, you...
Career Woman
14 phrases to avoid using in job interviews
Are you the kind of person who apologizes when a colleague bumps into...
Boss Lady
How to move on from mistakes: learn, but put them behind you
This guide outlines how to move on from mistakes, with strategies to put...
Career Woman
How to have a ‘sensible’ argument in the workplace
Unless you are one of those people who can make a drama out...
Boss Lady
Infographic: How to use ‘Google My Business’ to beat competition
Google My Business landed in 2014, but many small businesses have overlooked its...
Career Woman
How to stop procrastinating and get on with that job you’ve been avoiding
We’ve all had those jobs that crop up every now and then at...