
Brand identity examples: 6 case studies of great branding


For brands, it is important to understand what their brand is in order to be able to create content for their audience and get the most out of their marketing budget. We outline 6 brand identity examples and why and how each one works well.

Brand identity and branding are not one and the same. Brand identity explains the values, personality, and overall meaning that a brand wants to convey about itself. It is different from branding because branding defines how a company or product will be seen as a result of its marketing strategy.

Components in Top Brand Identity Examples

Brand Identity vs. Logo vs. Tagline

When it comes to branding, there are two broad approaches – building a brand identity or using a logo. A tagline is a shorter slogan that encapsulates the brand.

Logos are often used because they represent the company in an easily recognizable form. The downside to this approach is that it can be hard for consumers to remember the company’s name or logo. A tagline might be more straightforward for people to recall and more memorable.

On the other hand, a brand identity is when everything from marketing materials such as kraft business cards to uniforms is created with an overarching theme. This approach can help your company stand out and generate loyalty among customers by making them feel like they are part of something special, as we explore in the brand identity examples below.

Brand Identity from the Inside Out and the Outside In

The brand identity is more than just what a company is; it is also what the company does. The brand personality captures all the values, beliefs, and ideas of your organization. These ideologies are then followed for all aspects of your marketing, product, customer service, and more.

Brand personality is not just an idea that you can implement later; it needs to be created from the inside out and the outside in to make sure that it is consistent with your organizational values.

Branding from a Customer’s Perspective

A brand must have a recognizable identity that is consistent over time and that customers can associate with. A brand name should not just sound catchy, but it should also be meaningful to the customer. The following are some of the key factors that contribute to a memorable brand, that we will outline in the brand identity examples:

  • Visual identity – a logo or mascot that conveys the essence of what you do or stand for.
  • Brand colours – colors that represent your product or service or even evoke positive emotions and associations with them.
  • Branded voice – how your company messaging reflects on your branding and product positioning

Brand Identity Examples

Here, we shall look at some brand identity examples from the world’s most successful organizations and try to figure out what makes them so successful. You will be able to comprehend the strategic decisions they have made in the past in this manner. As a result, they were able to expand and establish the iconic brands that they are today.

We will focus on the following aspects in case studies of brand identity examples and see which companies do which part especially well.

  • Purpose
  • Vision
  • Values
  • Positioning
  • Personality
  • Tagline

Purpose – Tesla

The purpose statement for your company expresses the mission of your company. The why of your efforts as a brand should be summarized in a single line or phrase. What is the purpose of your company’s existence?  And why should anyone be interested? Tesla is an excellent example of a brand that is driven by a higher purpose. Tesla wished to demonstrate that driving electric vehicles does not necessitate making concessions.

However, their purpose statement: ‘To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy’ is scalable and hints at future growth, as well as a commitment to wider societal issues. Your brand’s purpose will motivate your staff to do their best work. Your clients will also see a clear benefit in engaging with your brand if you provide them with a compelling reason.

Vision – Starbucks

This is accomplished through the development of an overarching brand vision, which directs the brand in the appropriate direction. In one sentence, it describes the obvious and inspiring long-term potential end that the organization aspires to. Starbucks’ vision statement is To be the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world. Lofty goals, hey? 

It is easy to make important decisions along the road if you have a clear picture of where your brand is going. You must therefore outline the future that your company is ultimately striving to achieve, no matter how big or far away it seems. As a result, your vision statement will assist you in gaining clarity about where you want your business to go.

Values – Apple

In order to ensure that you can develop a culture and driving force for what your brand stands for in the world,  you need a clear set of core values

These are driving forces that express the essence of your company’s mission and vision. They must be actionable in order for your employees to be able to act on them and help you establish the ideal organization’s culture. In the end, this will result in a consistent brand experience for your customers on an external level. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, cited accessibility, education, and privacy as just a few of the core values for the business. He was evangelical about them, and this meant that Apple became the tech powerhouse that they are now. 

Positioning – Amazon

Establishing a brand’s positioning is to identify a difference and establish your brand’s uniqueness from that of your competitors. As a result, your audience will remember you for something specific. Describe the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Amazon. Most likely, you appreciate the expedited shipping and outstanding customer service. A brand wants to be renowned for only one thing—not for a single product or service, but for a single concept or idea. You have the ability to generate that desired perception in the minds of your customers and to occupy a specific position in their minds.

If you have a clear positioning statement, it can assist customers in navigating through a range of options and ultimately purchasing from you the next time they are in the market to make a purchase decision.

Personality – Harley Davidson

One of the goals of a brand’s personality is to show the human side of your company. If your brand is humanised, your target audience will have the opportunity to form long-lasting relationships with it. The famous motorcycle brand Harley Davidson has brand personality in abundance. When you think of Harley, you think of rebellion, masculinity, America, and freedom – almost like they are a person. In fact, you probably can picture Harley Davidson as an actual person! They convey this personality in all of their branding and communication.

Tagline – Nike

Just Do It. We all know it. As soon as we hear it, we know which brand we are talking about. 

A good tagline should convey who you are and what you stand for in a short and as catchy way as possible, and Nike has absolutely nailed this. The rest of the points we have covered above should inform your tagline. Your tagline is the customer-facing result of it all. 


The purpose of brand strategy is to modify the perceptions of a company’s target audience so that we may ultimately encourage them to take action. The plan for moulding those perceptions through various kinds of expression, both visual and verbal, is laid out in brand strategy as a result.

Previously, a brand strategy was considered to be a luxury reserved for multinational corporations. However, more and more business owners are beginning to recognize the significance of developing a brand, as well as the strategy that goes along with it.

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