There are a thousand analogies we could use here to try and explain what a blog will do for your business, whether we compare it to a salt lick in a horse field, nicotine in a cigarette or Instagram on your smartphone. All of these things are designed to keep the user coming back to use again and again and again, and that is exactly what a blog does, so you can imagine why it is a good idea to start one for your business.
In its most basic form, a blog acts as a marketing tool. Not a sales tool, a marketing tool. It is something that will attract customers to your website, something that will provide them with free information, and give you an added value over your competitors.
Here are the top reasons your small business needs to start a blog:
People want information
Contrary to popular belief, people don’t just go online to shop. They don’t just go on there to buy stuff. You see, the greatest thing about the internet is that it offers people a free education, and that is something a blog will tap into. You should start a blog to tap into customers need to find information, which means you should write a blog that is stuffed full of useful facts and opinions and information. If you’re just using a blog to pedal your goods then you’ll fail and, worse than that, you’ll annoy people on the hunt for clarity.
You’ll be seen as an expert
In today’s society, marketplaces are saturated with competition so it is necessary to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is to cement yourself as an expert, which you are. You are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a leader of people, and that means you are doing something right and something valuable, so why not use the experience you have garnered to boost your credentials. If you regularly and efficiently share your experience and knowledge for free then you will quickly gain a following, many of whom will be customers and all of whom will become aware of your product and/or service. That’s the dream right there.
First page of google
It is the Holy Grail of all businesses; to make it onto the first page of Google. But getting there is hard. Every 18 months the amount of information on the Internet doubles. But that isn’t all because search engines are constantly grading this information, these websites, and so yours has to be up to scratch. That is where a blog comes in. Ruby Digital explains that a blog makes your website more attractive to Google by making it more fluid, more informational, more up to date. What you need to then focus on is that correct spelling and grammar are maintained, and that likes, follows, comments and shares all start to grow. It is also important to think about keywords, both in the title and the main body of text, because all of this makes you more relevant. Seriously, get a blog that checks out on these fronts and you’ll be on page 1 before you know it.