Business of Men
Say goodbye to the “good ol’ boys network” of silicon valley
In one of the most male dominated networks of technology, discover how women are shattering the glass ceiling effect and saving the future. Let’s hear it for the girls. In an industry dominated by men, women are starting to...
Feeling empowered as a female in a male dominated world
There are still to this day, many male dominated industries that females can simply shine in. In some ways, they can even outshine some of the most successful businessmen. But yet, so many women are overwhelmed about the prospect...
You’re too young … and now you’re too old
The joys of being a woman in business are nearly endless — no really they are. For a start, we live longer than men. We’re more likely to survive a huge range of illnesses (because we’re sensible enough to...
Working in a male-dominated industry? Here’s how to succeed
Unsurprisingly, women are largely underrepresented in STEM industries. According to Professionals Australia’s Women in STEM report, only 28% of the STEM-qualified Australian workforce is female. Looking specifically at engineering, women represent only 12% of the field, according to Engineering...
How to protect yourself financially when you start living with a new partner
Over the past ten years, I’ve met many women (and men) struggling with an unwelcome STD received from a once-loving partner. It happened because they felt awkward raising a subject that could dampen the mood—it felt ‘dirty’ to talk...
5 Tips to deal with toxic people
Dealing with toxic people can really take the wind out of your sails. While most of us (hopefully) have colleagues, clients and other relationships that are 99% enjoyable, that 1% of unpleasantness, or that one person that causes grief,...
5 Reasons women make great traders
The world of trading can be a rocky road for both men and women alike, but despite this, more and more women are deciding to jump in head first into a primarily male-dominated industry. While competing in the trading industry is...
Male-dominated fields: How to leap the hurdles and get ahead
There are some male-dominated fields where successful women are few and far between. Sectors like investment banking, engineering, and politics are more welcoming to women than they were fifty years ago, but the glass ceiling still exists if you...
Gender pay gap: a problem that needs resolution even in first world countries
Look, there’s no way around it. The gender pay gap is real all over the world. Sure, in the most equal country in the world (Belgium) the gap might only be 1.1 percent, but it’s still there. And the...