Career Woman

  • 7 Networking tips for women

    How to work virtually … anywhere

    Being an entrepreneur and small business owner means that your work life is kinda…well, crazy. It might look like you’re living the dream, working your own hours and being your own boss, but the reality is that the passion...

  • Business fails to avoid when starting out understand SEO hate your job break out of a rut are overworking

    Avoid burnout: 4 tips to work less and earn more

    When we first jump into starting a business it is easy to get swept up in the passion projects and steam ahead working 100 miles an hour because we are so excited about what we are doing. But, when...

  • PR strategies marketing strategy plan Millennial job satisfaction

    Do I need a mentor?

    It is a question I often hear asked at women’s forums. When senior leaders are asked if they have had or have a mentor, the answer is quite lengthy, but what is consistent in all answers is the benefits...

  • insurance business financial profit loss

    Should career women consider prenuptial agreements?

    Should you say ‘I will’ before you say ‘I do’? Frequently we have inquiries from clients who are about to marry and have been asked by their partner to sign a prenuptial agreement. You will see prenups mentioned more...

  • Career mistakes work related stress

    9 reasons why you shouldn’t multitask

    If you’re the kind of person who finds it difficult to concentrate on more than one thing at a time, then multitasking may not be for you. It can be hard to do and is a rare quality for...

  • more sales best music speakers personal brand building happiness office businesswoman calls

    The key to happiness: forget trends and status

    Entrepreneur is the biggest buzzword around right now. Suddenly it is cool to be called an ‘entrepreneur’ with a ‘start-up’ … when really what it means is you’re a business person and you’ve decided to start a business. The...

  • marketing your business on Instagram social media

    20 Instagram accounts that inspire career and business women

    With over 300 million monthly users, Instagram has quickly become a favorite among social media enthusiasts of all ages.  In addition to being a great place for fashion & fitness inspiration, Instagram has also become an awesome platform for...

  • Why we shouldn’t celebrate International Women’s Day

    Each year there are thousands of events to celebrate International Women’s Day. However, I don’t personally see it as a day of celebration. Rather, it’s a day to spend the time to stop and take off our rose coloured...

  • target audience business small business team office

    Tips for working in aid and development: part 2

    In Part 1, I shared 3 of my top 6 tips for those looking to enter the aid and development sector. Gaining work experience (that includes volunteering), obtaining skills that will actually pay the bills and developing good habits;...

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