
  • essential skills

    Must-read ideas to be successful from exceptional books

    Have you ever wondered what the most successful people in this world have in common? Well, for one, most people that have reached some level of success in their lives tend to read a lot of books. It does...

  • feminism: confident female

    How to build that self-confidence needed to thrive

    In this life, you need to have a little self-belief in order to do most things. That’s pretty common knowledge, right? If you don’t really back your own ability to do even the most basic stuff, then you’re not...

  • fantastic presentations

    Kick the “B” word to the curb: 5 Ways to lead like a boss!

    Relentless.  Resilient.  Ruthless.  Good traits radiated by many strong women.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg is one example!   The problem is that women are often deemed “bossy” when they stand firm for what they want to achieve. Despite the “Ban Bossy...

  • Changing the system of work

    Even today, we still can experience shock and frustration when a high-profile female leaves a senior role.  As females we are told that we can and should pursue careers, follow our dreams and raise children in the current system...

  • Confidence is the key to leadership invest in yourself mindful leadership

    Top unexpected leadership qualities you didn’t know you needed

    In the business world, a leader is much more than just a “boss” or “manager”. Business leaders get people to work with them, not for them, inspiring their employees, making key decisions, and being accountable for the team’s failings....

  • CV tips business management business woman office leader

    Thriving beyond the impossibility of balance

    Having a family and being an entrepreneur can feel at times like one of life‘s greatest juggling acts. Having time for your children, your partner, your business, and even a trace of self-care can seem virtually impossible in the...

  • cope with business

    13 Science-backed tips to boost productivity

    Is productivity a solid, a gas, or a liquid? When it flows, you might think it is more of a fluid than a solid. But then, even when productivity seems forthcoming, it is difficult to grasp or quantify. Like...

  • becoming a teacher women's leadership

    5 Questions to ask yourself before accepting a leadership role

    Whether you have been working towards this moment for years or are entirely surprised to learn that someone would even consider you for this sort of role, it has happened — you have been offered a leadership position. Generally,...

  • feminism: confident female

    Leadership skills learned from road trips

    Are you looking for ways to enhance your leadership skills? Reading leadership theory can get boring and old fast. Fortunately, there are a plethora of leadership lessons to digest from real-life experiences such as road trips. Here are some...

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