
  • An ambitious woman's guide to stop binge eating at night

    An ambitious woman’s guide to stop binge eating at night

    As an ambitious woman, you want to achieve success in all aspects of your life, including your health. This may means losing a few pounds or feeling more confident in a skinny dress. But somehow irrespective of how many...

  • Wardrobe tips

    5 Packing tips for women who constantly travel

    If you are like any other woman traveler on the planet, you have trouble figuring out how to pack quickly and efficiently. It may even be a struggle to keep track of all you need to have in your...

  • How to confront a difficult colleague

    Most women get into business because they’re excited about creating and sharing ideas and developing projects to their full potential. But what just as many tend to find after a few months or years in the workplace, is that...

  • technology trends games industry biz women in tech burglary prevention

    Women in tech leadership: the case against quotas

    Almost exactly a year ago, this blog featured a piece highlighting a lack of gender balance in board rooms across many of the top Fortune 500 companies. At the core of that article was an infographic that neatly illustrated...

  • BossLady dressing for business

    Girl power… fail?

    We are constantly seeing #GirlPower #GirlBoss #GoGirl #WomenRule #WhoRunsTheWorld? But, are we our own worst enemies? As a mother of two young children, when I had my babies, especially my first I was thrown into an unknown world of...

  • Video for marketing lasting impression

    7 Things powerful women do differently

    When a powerful woman walks into a room, she’ll be sure to turn heads. She carries herself with confidence and exudes a certain enigma the way women leaders do. The way she walks, talks, and looks will let you...

  • insurance business financial profit loss

    10 Ways to foster self-directed learning in your training

    The most effective training programs have been designed to meet the fundamental principles of adult learning — one of the most important of which is ensuring that there is an element of self-directedness in the learning experience.  But too...

  • how to get customers

    6 ways to shut up the inner voice that undermines your confidence

    Your inner voice can tell you a lot of things. That’s what we call intuition – and intuition can be a very useful tool in business. But if your inner voice tells you negative things, it makes you doubt...

  • phone calls technology digital internet apps

    5 career-killing lies socially awkward women believe

    If you’re socially awkward or anxious, chances are you hate small talk. I hear you. You think it’s superficial and a complete waste of time. Not to mention terrifying. And that’s totally understandable. How can you see the value...

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