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Floristry business tips: The critical aspects for success


If you have desires of one day opening up your very own floristry business, then it is important to remember that there is a lot more to it than simply selling flowers. Florists have the potential to become very successful assuming that things are done right, and we have seen many examples of successful florists who have gone on to grow in size and scale, opening up franchises all over the country.

Floristry business tips: what you need to know

There are some critical aspects of this type of business which we are going to look into today, get these right and you may very well just make a success out of that business of yours.

Experience and qualifications

Being a florist is a skill, a vocation which must be worked on for many years in order to truly understand more about the natural world. At the very least someone who goes into this business should have experience within the industry and the best case scenario is gaining a Certificate 3 Floristry with Pearsons School or an educational facility with similar gravitas.


The reason why experience and knowledge is so crucial is that the selection of the product is absolutely critical in running a florists. Florists, regardless of any gift add-ons which they sell, will be known for one thing and one thing only, their flowers. Most important amongst this is the quality of the flower, even the range isn’t as important.

A single florist could, if they so wished, sell nothing more than roses and lilies, no you may think that they would have a poor reputation owing to limited choice, but if they are the finest roses and lilies you have ever laid eyes upon, nobody will care. The key is the quality and the freshness of the product, everything else is significantly less important.

Marketing a floristry business

Florists aren’t hard to come by and with the emergence of online ordering from the mega florists which operate globally, it is essential that independent florists do something to stand out. This is why marketing is so essential and from the word go a florist should be looking at ways in which they can keep customers and find new customers through the use of a smart marketing campaign. Part of this should include marketing online flower delivery such as is offered by


One of the hardest things for a florist to do is ensure that they have the right amount of flowers in stock. Given that flowers are perishable and that people want to buy them as fresh as possible, florists have to walk a thin line between having flowers in stock today, and ensuring that there is as little waste as possible.

After a couple of months a florist will have gained a strong understanding of their market, enough to minimize wastage, but those initial months will be tough and could prove costly. This is why selecting popular flowers is always going to make the most sense, and understanding the market and customer trends will be essential.

What skills do you need for a floristry business?

To create a floristry business successfully, the professional must have manual skills, creativity and a lot, a lot of whimsy. To be a florist is to have, above all, a strong interest in flowers and good aesthetic sense. It means having normal color vision, good hand coordination, and not being in any way allergic to flowers.

A good professional floristry business is fully aware that the customer is the soul of their business and, in order not only to delight them, but also to keep them loyal, they will do their best to take care of them, pleasing them in every way, taking into account good communication, kindness, motivations, professional ethics and competence at work.

The floristry business must be thorough, must know how to communicate with customers and suppliers, in order to strengthen ties and do good business and, therefore, he must master the art of negotiation, the types of negotiations that involve his enterprise, his rules and everything that should be avoided when faced with a game of commercial interests.

The person, when choosing to develop an activity in the floristry business field, can work in their own home, as a freelancer, decorating parties, in a flower shop, as an owner or employee, or even as a freelancer, offering services to decorators.

When choosing a supplier or a place to buy flowers, the floristry business must prioritize quality, in addition to observing the best prices. Flowers can be purchased at Ceasas, agricultural markets, florist cooperatives or directly from producers. Another option, for those who are far from large centers, is to buy from resellers, who deliver flowers in all locations, upon request, by air or land. It is necessary to pay attention to quality, with regard to the standardization of flowers and regularity in supply.

Basics to consider

The floristry business market has grown in recent years, due to the increased demand for floral arrangements. A fundamental aspect in this market is the quality of the product, as it is observed that consumers are increasingly demanding. Customers want to have arrangements that stay nice and fresh throughout the event, or that stay nice for several days at home.

The quality

Quality in terms of floral arrangements refers to the aesthetic aspect, that is, the beauty of the arrangement, and also the durability of the flowers. When preparing floral arrangements, the professional florist must have common sense, taste, creativity and, above all, must know the technique. Thus, floral art deals with concepts of aesthetics and composition of arrangements and techniques for preparing and preserving flowers.

The flowers

The care with the flowers is essential for the work to be beautiful and durable. The lifespan of cut flowers depends a lot on the care taken for their conservation. Cut flowers should be stored in a cool, humid environment, with moderate lighting, well ventilated, but with no draft and no direct sunlight. Air humidity should be between 60 and 70%, meeting the requirements of most flowers and leaves.

The arrangements

The shape of the floral arrangements follows a general pattern, with specific characteristics. In this way, the basic styles of arrangements are defined, elaborated according to the rules of artistic composition. As for style, the arrangements are classified into:

Formal: In the formal style, all elements are placed evenly and symmetrically. Imagine a line cutting the arrangement in the center, vertically, the two halves must be equal.
Linear: In this style, the arrangements are produced to be seen from a single angle, and can have a vertical, horizontal or triangular shape. The elements are arranged in a balanced way.
Natural: The characteristic of the arrangement is that it imitates nature. It’s like a space, a garden. The more like nature, the better.
Decorative: It is an all irregular arrangement and has different shapes on each side that we look at. It is the style that allows for greater expression of creativity, as it is a spontaneous style.


These are the cornerstones of running a successful floristry business that you should always bear in mind.

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