Finding a business space rental that works is half the battle when you’re getting off the ground. In the early stages, money may be hard to come by, and you do your best with what you have. But, what happens when your business starts to grow? It’s what we all want, but it comes with problems. With that growth can often come the need for more colleagues, and also the need for more stock. Not taking these steps could lead to letting your customers down, which is not what you want!
You need to do everything possible to ensure you keep up with demand. It’s still early days, after all. Letting customers down now could reflect poorly on where your business goes from here. But, relocating shouldn’t be your first option. The costs of a larger business space rental could still outweigh your profits.
Plus, relocation could lead to lost custom. You’re established where you are. Customers know where to find you, and you’ve got things running like a well-oiled machine. The good news is, you don’t have to change your space to grow your business. You can change the way you use your business space rental instead.
How to optimize your business space rental
You just need to know how to make the business space rental you have work better! Here are a few ideas about how to do that.
Make the most of the existing business space rental
It should go without saying that you need to make the most of what you have. The area may have worked well for you and the colleagues you had. As you employ more staff, though, you’re going to need to shuffle things around. This is a hard thing to get right. There’s no denying that space is going to get tight. Make sure it doesn’t get so tight that your colleagues become unhappy!
Look at the business space rental area you have a consider how best to arrange the desks. If you have large areas of free space, think about how to use them. They may not be large enough to fit a desk itself, but moving the desks could mean using the space in a more efficient way. To avoid ruffling feathers, ask for suggestions from your colleagues. That way, they’re more likely to be happy with the decision you make.
Designated areas
Another way of making the most of what you have is to set designated areas in your business space rental. How well you can do this will depends on the nature of your business. Attempt to have designated areas for office work, production, and meeting with customers. This will save anyone treading on each other’s toes. It will also ensure that the space continues to work for you, even as you grow. It will split the office up, and save people from trying to work in one space at the same time! Consider ways you could divide the space. You could arrange the furniture to distinguish the areas. Or, you might want to invest in wall partitions. Bear in mind, though, that these will take more of the space you’re trying to save,
Branch out online
We all know how important an online presence is for any business. But, have you considered how focusing on the online aspect could help you grow without moving? Getting your business on the web will bring you a lot of new custom that you may not get otherwise. And the best part? They’re virtual customers! You want to keep customers coming in of course, but when space is tight, it’s not always practical. That’s why the internet can be a lifesaver.
Make sure you do it right by getting to grips with web hosting. Find out all you need to know from reading pieces like this comprehensive guide. Once you’ve done your research, you should have enough knowledge to get started. There may be a small start-up cost, but your online presence will soon start paying for itself. It’s also worth putting in the extra effort to set up an online shop. That way, customers can buy from you without ever visiting your store!
If possible, consider hiring freelancers. That way, the work gets done without adding more physical bodies to your team. Freelancers will work from home, then send you what they’ve done. If you prefer, they could come into the office once a week or so. Even so, the fact that they’re not there all the time will take a lot of pressure off the business space rental! Of course, not all jobs can be done from home. Think about which jobs could work out of the office. Web management and marketing material are good examples.
7 tips to optimize your business space rental
Now that you know the importance of working in an organized place, check out our tips to gain space in the institutional environment.
1. Organize the mess
The first step in optimizing space is to organize the mess. Start can documents, folders, newspapers, magazines, among others. Throw away what is no good or no longer useful, such as electronic equipment and broken furniture. You will see that by organizing the mess and getting rid of what is no longer useful, you will already gain space in your company.
2. Use document scanning
Many documents still cannot be replaced with the digital version, but many of them do not need to be printed. In addition to saving on paper, there is less to store and clutter. So just print and store what is strictly necessary.
3. Multifunctional furniture
Furniture such as built-in cabinets, shelves to the top, table with chest of drawers and organizers can optimize the space in any room . In addition to making offices more functional and with a modern appearance.
The decoration and the way the furniture is organized in your company definitely affect how customers see their business and the satisfaction and well-being of their employees. So it’s worth researching and asking for a budget for your company.
4. Eliminate all unnecessary barriers
If your company is made up of several small rooms, consider the possibility of eliminating some of these walls and making a space wider and brighter. In addition to gaining space, you favor communication between your team and do away with the notion of rigid hierarchy, promoting a lighter and more harmonious work environment.
5. Work on the visual perception of space
It is possible to give the impression that the space is larger than it really is. For that, you just need to focus on the wall colors, lighting and decoration. Bet on light colors. Use strong dark paint only to decorate one or the other to counteract the predominant light tones.
In addition, the light colors cause the natural light in the room to be reflected, making the room look wider and brighter. If you don’t have natural light, use fluorescent lamp lighting, which favors the aesthetics of the environment.
Another trick that favors visual perception is to place mirrors in strategic locations such as a narrow hallway, for example, which will make the space look like it has doubled in size.
6. Divide space according to tasks performed
The greater the number of tasks performed in a place, the greater the number of employees circulating, which can make the environment very confusing, noisy and uncomfortable. To prevent this from happening, divide the spaces and prevent many tasks from being carried out in the same place.
Listen to your employees and consider how they feel about the work flow done in the environment. This will help to better organize the environment according to the tasks performed.
7. Use Self Storage
Following the other tips above is already an important step to optimize space in your company. But, over time, the number of documents can increase and require new space to store them. A great option is Self Storage, which is the rental of autonomous units to store and organize any type of property, such as furniture, documents, stocks and collections.
The boxes can be rented by individuals or companies, according to the needs of each one. It is possible to rent small, medium or large spaces. In general, contracts are monthly.