Boss Lady

Filling the staffing needs of your business: smart strategies


You need to recruit professionals and interns for your business but don’t seem to know how to start with staffing solutions? This comprehensive guide that will help you know what to look out for as it can be difficult to choose from a variety of candidates. We’ll help you decide which individuals will be best suited to work in your environment.

Strategies for filling your staffing needs


Referrals are a big part of the working environment. They not only bring a kind of responsibility on the person who referred but also encourage people who get in through it. In a study, it was concluded that 82% of working professionals rated employee referrals above any other source for bringing the best returns in investment. Here are the steps you should follow to create a chain of staffing referrals that you can trust:

1. If you are just starting your business, initially hire the most amazing people that come to your mind.
2. Create a challenging and happy mindset in them.
3. Then ask them to bring the talented people they know.
4. Rinse and repeat.

If you follow these steps correctly and provide your employees with a good working environment, you’ll have a robust team by the time the process outgrows itself.

Always prefer candidate experience

A staffing candidate is a potential employee in your company. Candidate experience is the first interaction that person is going to have with your company and its culture. Some of the best executive recruiters use this staffing strategy to project a good image of their organization. Here’s what you should do to ensure good candidate experience:

1. Provide a clear description of what the job is with set working hours.
2. Always show up on time when interviewing someone.
3. Provide a warm introduction of you and your team.
4. Try to keep your candidate comfortable.
5. Exchange feedback to improve.

A good candidate experience will give off the image of an organization that cares about its employees. Employees who invited people through staffing referrals will be encouraged to do it if everything is just right. If a candidate’s first impressions are good, you will create goodwill for your business, inviting more potential people in.

Use apps and websites to improve productivity

There are many great online staffing tools out there that will help you set everything perfectly. Tools that are specifically made for sourcing and hiring processes. Here are some of these tools:


GapJumpers allows organizations to perform blind auditions. These auditions allow the user to judge a candidate only on the basis of communication and professional skills. These types of auditions focus on performance rather than previous records like resumes, GPAs, etc.


textio is a tool many companies use to draft everything in a neat and clean way. It can help you plan out the perfect job description. It may seem underwhelming, but this will be the thing your candidate sees first. If this draft is not engaging and appealing, many potential candidates will lose interest.


After drafting your job description, it’s time to distribute it to as many people as possible. ZipRecruiter allows you to distribute a single posting to 100+ job boards. You can manage everything from social recruiting to screening with a single account.

Quality over quantity

As a recruiter, you may already know how valuable a single individual with good skills can be. The right staffing choices can make a huge impact on a company’s financial and intra-organizational growth. Always keep in mind that hiring good quality individuals is preferable over their sheer volume.

You will lose money both directly and indirectly if you choose to go otherwise. Doesn’t it sound like a great deal to have 1 good employee who can do a better job than 3 same paid individuals? Indirectly, those 3 employees will cost you productivity while creating a bad influence on other employees.

Employee value proposition

In layman’s terms, employee value propositions are the benefits that your company provides to your employees. These are the features that will attract highly skilled individuals. Keep in mind these 4 things while evaluating your EVP:


Make sure the salary you are providing for the job is competitive to other companies.


There are certain perks that are given to employees, like insurance plans, paid vacations, retirement plans, etc.


Are employees allowed to work freely without someone meddling with every little thing?

Work environment

An organization should be challenging its employees while giving them time to enjoy their personal lives.

Offer remote work to individuals

There are many qualified people who can’t work in the field due to certain circumstances. If your company is able to offer remote work, it can open itself to a much larger audience. The flexibility it provides to both the company and the employees is huge. Online platforms and tools have made it so much easier to work from home.

Not only will this program give you access to skilled individuals around the globe, but you will also be saving on many resources. Due to the pandemic, adding remote work to your EVP will attract all kinds of talented audiences.


So, there it is, everything you needed to know about the recruiting process. It’s easy for a company to overwhelm people. Keep it simple and present a welcoming environment to everyone. Follow the tips we’ve given, and you will have yourself a great team in no time.

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