Career Woman

Gender differences: Does gender affect efficiency in the workplace?


Efficiency and productivity are a touchy subject with employees in the workplace. When you throw gender differences into the pot it starts to boil quite rapidly.

Considering all the #metoo activity and the increasing numbers of women elected into politics, gender differences, the contribution of women and the facts collected on production in the workplace have started to come front and center.

Gender differences in the workplace

Gossip or communication

Okay, so it is a common theme those discussing gender differences to say that women love to talk. It is probably true in most aspects. When compared to the male lump on the couch that won’t tell you about his day and just grumbles until someone yells ‘gravy’, then yeah, women like to discuss more things than men.

However, in recent data women were noted to send 20% more messages than men in the workplace. However, they also completed 10% more work than their counterparts. Additionally, women were noted to complete 55% of all work being assigned compared to 44% being delivered for men to complete.

This probably is not a surprise to most, as with gender differences, women are apparently known to multitask better than men. They also complete tasks faster.

Gender differences and production

It has been well known that hiring and educating women makes a nation more desirable and increases economic growth by making use of all the available talent and resources. Taking this same approach to gender differences in the workplace, it enables a company to utilize all talents and resources by performance and productivity and not by the ability to express last night’s winner in Monday Night Football.

Automation and gender

Automating tasks is the most efficient way to handle any issues or collect data to proactively handle problems that may arise in the workplace. Understanding how technology and automation can calculate and log data is very important in scaling growth and the bottom line for companies.

Does gender affect efficiency in the workplace

There are many different technologies and automation softwares to use in the workplace. Some companies even offer a free ticketing system to understand how their issues can be resolved, organized, managed, and rerouted appropriately to solve problems efficiently and fast.

Recent research about women and automation in the workplace, interestingly states that women are less likely to be replaced by robots and might benefit from automation.

It is all quite a simple rationale, as most jobs that are male oriented in the unskilled labor or analytical can be quite redundant. They can easily be replaced by automation or robots.

When you look at most female dominated fields such as nursing, teaching, and Speech Language Pathology that require complex problem solving; these fields are going to be quite safe from the new push to automate the workplace.

Also as jobs become more digital, it has been known that in developed countries, women on average have more advanced backgrounds in education and digital literacy which gives them an edge in the tech arena.

Understanding the importance of equality

Equality in the workplace is important in many areas. It will continue to make the workplace more competitive and hopefully more efficient and fluid. It is important for companies to take advantage of the resources and talents available.

Equality means that women should have the ability to move up in their fields. Just as important is the fact that men should have equal chances at family or parenting benefits as their female counterparts. It is important to maintain balances in our evolving society as women start to advance more in business and gender starts to become more balanced.

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