Boss Lady

How to make the most of clients who drive you mad



We all have them… those clients who send us around the bend. The signs are usually evident quite early in the process when even the thought of discussing opportunities with them makes you want to poke yourself in the eye with a fork.

They are often those people you speak with, who then go elsewhere — and then come back for help after their first choice didn’t work out (probably because they quit).

Once you secure them as a client however you are sent into a whirlwind of WTF’s, changed minds, childish behaviour, gossiping or just downright lack of willingness to DO the actual work or implement the advice you give.

First, you need to remember that just because you are the best at what you do, doesn’t mean people actually want to do the work required implementing it.

Often people like hiring ‘yes people’ to surround them but then later on question why nothing has changed. This is not your problem. You can only do what you do best and the rest is up to them.

There is however a VERY big win working with clients who are headaches. That is content. Yes … content.

Most business owners tell me they struggle with creating content for their blogs, website or even articles for media. This is where the client from hell can help. What better inspiration on what NOT to do in business .

  • Every time a client of yours decides to go against your advice. Write about it.
  • Every time a client acts unprofessionally or burns themselves with decisions you’ve advised against. Write about it.
  • This is also a great way for you to channel your frustration and relate to your audience. They are either like your client or they are wanting to learn how NOT to be like them.
  • It is these real life experiences that make the best possible advice pieces. It is a great way for people to bypass making the same mistakes in the future.
  • You can also turn these experiences in content for policies & procedures, new terms & conditions so you don’t end up in the same position you find yourself in with this particular client.

Oh but don’t mention the client’s name. Yeah that is NOT a very smart move.


About Amanda Rose

Founder of The Business Woman Media. Amanda Rose is also the only 'strategic connector', a brand strategist, keynote speaker and host of Amanda Rose TV. Connect with Amanda Rose on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or visit

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