
How to not be ‘all business’ but not get too personal 


As women, we are often saluted for being skilled at making close connections. But this becomes a double-edged sword in the business world. One of the most common dilemmas faced by business professionals –and particularly business women — who want to connect and build strong relationships with people is how they can be more than just ‘all business’ and at the same time not get too personal. And that applies whether those connections are being made face-to-face or online.

There is a solution. It’s called ‘personality’ … showing it, but knowing how and how much of it to show.

Showing your personality woven in with communicating strategic pieces of information will help show who you are (that you’re more than just all a out business) allowing someone to get to know YOU without revealing all the intimate details of your entire life.

Choosing to keep your family and other components of your life private doesn’t mean you’re not authentic. It also doesn’t mean that you have a different moral code for business than you do for personal. Who you are will always resonate in the decisions you make. But these decisions however just happen to be different for different situations.

Here are some ways you can show personality and at the same time not get too personal.

Social media profiles

You can be personal, but keep it private — and never political. Keep your family out of your pictures and discussions. Don’t discuss or comment on sex, politics and religion.

Pictures you share

Let’s face it, just because you take a pic with your smartphone doesn’t mean you need to post it online. Be strategic with your pictures. You can show that you’re out at dinner on a Friday night but maybe not show the three empty bottles of wine.

Discussing passions

Passions like fitness or food are great social connectors. People are either eating or trying to get fit! If you’re at a meeting but you don’t want people to know with whom you’re meeting, take a photo of the food and make a comment about the location.


We all have a passion to help someone or want to see more justice in the world. That’s why sharing your involvement in charities will show the world your compassionate side without the need for you to detail why. It will help create bridges with other business professionals previously not there. A warm connection at that.


Who doesn’t love puppies!! Or at least an animal of some kind. This is a great way to show who you are in a non-business fashion without opening up too much about your personal life.

This is a great way to show people a well rounded version of you without opening up too much about your life and not get too personal.

About Amanda Rose

Founder of The Business Woman Media. Amanda Rose is also the only 'strategic connector', a brand strategist, keynote speaker and host of Amanda Rose TV. Connect with Amanda Rose on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or visit

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