
How to set up your social media campaigns for success


This guide outlines the strategies to achieve results with your social media campaigns. It might shock you to learn that next year is fast approaching. If you haven’t already, it’s time to start making your plans for the upcoming year. In this digital age, social media marketing has never been more important. Over 220 million Amercians use social media in some way, meaning there is a huge market to tap. Plus, you can customize and target certain audiences like never before.

Social media campaigns targeting success

But how do you set up your social media campaigns? Here’s a quick guide. 

Have a social media campaigns calendar 

When crafting social media campaigns, you need to map out the entire year. You do not need to have exact posts plotted out, but you should know when you want to start and end certain campaigns. As the year goes on, you will be surprised at how quickly certain dates come up on you, and if you are not prepared your marketing will be rushed. Plus, you do not want campaigns to run into each other because you planned poorly. Your calendar should include what types of posts you want to put on each social media platform for each campaign, with approximate timelines for everything. 

Set goals

All social media strategists know that to be successful, you need to have a goal. What exactly do you want to gain from your social media campaigns? Sure, you want to bring in more sales, but how can social media campaigns help you with that? Most marketers will bring up community engagement and brand awareness as the two most important functions of social media. You want to increase your follower count, or you may want to provide more engaging content. Whatever your goal is, your strategy should reflect that, and everything you plan out for social media campaigns will be done with that goal in mind. 

Research your target audience

With social media campaigns, it’s incredibly important that you understand your audience. Your posts need to be engaging and informative, and more likely to be shared and liked. If your typical customer is in their teens, then references to tv shows from the 80’s may go over their heads. Craft a buyer persona to get a sense of what your ideal target audience is like, and plan your social media posts based on that persona. This needs to be done before the year starts so that you can hit the ground running. 

Part of this process is identifying what platform is the most appropriate for you to put your social media campaigns focus. Facebook is more popular with older adults than other platforms. Instagram, Snapchat, and Tik Tok are geared towards youth. However, this can also change over time, so it’s vital to keep your finger on the pulse of trends. You need to be connecting with your audience where they are most likely to consume their social media. 

Plan on video

Video and images are the more engaging posts that you can make on social media, with video being the more popular of the two. You should plan on producing more video in 2022 than ever before, because your competition will certainly be producing more and you want to keep up. 

However, video comes with extra challenges. Shooting good quality videos will cost you money, and will take up time. When you build your social media campaigns calendar, make sure to include time to film things well in advance of when you are going to release them. That way you are not rushing anything. If you are planning on hiring a video production company to help you, then you should plan on recording in bulk. It will save you time and money in the long run. 

Be prepared to be flexible

Mike Tyson once said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” While you shouldn’t get punched in the mouth, you might find during your social media campaigns that something isn’t working. You might not be getting engagement, or your follower count has remained stagnant and you’re getting very few clicks to your website. Starting now, think of alternate strategies in case something doesn’t work. Scrambling and playing catch up will be ineffective and inefficient. 

Part of being flexible is also being able to pivot when something isn’t going right. If a certain type of post is getting lots of engagement and doing what you want it to do, then try to produce more like that. You can take advantage of this popularity and play to your strengths. Plus, things change quickly, and what sounds like a good idea today may change 6 months from now, and you need to be able to adapt. 

Social media isn’t something that you should take for granted if you want to grow your brand. Build a strong social media campaigns strategy now so that you are ready to face the coming year. If not, you could be left behind as your competition builds up its audience base and brand awareness. 

7 benefits of social media campaigns you can’t ignore:

1) Cost-effective

In social media campaigns, you can publish whenever you want or need, the platforms are free not only to publish, but also to exchange messages with people interested in your product, create relationships with your customers and show your company’s daily life. And, when you use the resources of paid campaigns, the return for every R$1 invested has the potential to be much higher than on other platforms.

2) Authenticity

As you can publish without exorbitant costs, here opens up the possibility of telling people about your brand, its history and the main differentials of your products. All of this, in addition to helping to build relationships, makes people impacted by your social media campaigns trust your delivery when making a purchase, even if they have never had contact with your products before. It’s all right there on your profile, easy to access and get to know you.

3) Support for actions on other platforms

If your brand is present in campaigns on radio, TV, print media, display networks, etc., chances are good that an interested person will look for you on social media to find out more about the product or service being advertised or open one. conversation to clarify doubts. At this time, it is essential to have a consolidated presence through social media campaigns in your feed and stories.

4) The open space to expose your creativity

The data you can collect through social media campaigns can help you understand what works best with your audience, and it’s best to be able to try out different creative approaches without major cost and fear. A good example is the stories feature, a space where you can create and invent and it all goes away in 24 hours.

5) Customer service

Forget about that expensive and difficult to use CRM platform and take advantage of the fact that 63% of consumers expect to find a customer service via social media to be in direct contact with people. This is, perhaps, one of the most interesting points of brands on social media: your consumer doesn’t need to leave where they are already to request a service, and brands become part of people’s daily lives in a way they never were before. possible.

6) The community

When your company is active on social media, publishing high-value content and creating meaningful conversations with people, every consumer who comments or shares one of your publications is automatically one more person endorsing your brand. The return of having an engaged and active community? You can be sure that it is much bigger than what we can achieve via campaigns, in addition to facilitating the sales process.

7) Higher ranking

What’s the point of having a beautiful website and a super well-written blog if no one sees what you publish? One of the factors that help sites rank higher in Google (or Bing, etc.) results is the traffic that site attracts and the origins of that traffic. So if you share every new blog post with your engaged community and create social media campaigns with an affordable budget, your site will gain relevance over time.


Within the universe of digital marketing you can make paid campaigns on search network, you can reach potential customers through newsletters, you can attract visitors to your website by publishing a blog , and you can build your brand presence on social media.

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