Career Woman

How to improve your online image before you send a resume


Did you just spot your dream job?That’s great! But how do you know you’re ready to apply? Let’s say you’ve tailored your resume to the job description, written a compelling cover letter, and rehearsed standard interview questions. Good news is that you’re almost there. But did you remember to curate your online presence?

Knowing how to write a resume that attracts the attention of recruiters is just the first step. But every element of your job application needs to convince the hiring manager that you’re a great match for the position.

And one of the first things recruiters do after reading your resume is check your name online. They’ll browse through Google search results and have a look at your social media profiles, especially your profile on LinkedIn.

That’s why a polished online presence is essential to landing your dream job.

Here’s everything you need to know about curating your online presence. Take control of your reputation, and you’re bound to score more job interviews than ever.

1. Take a closer look at your posting history

Almost 60% of recruiters will research candidates via search engines, and another 60% will use social media sites.When it comes to individual social networks, 87% will check LinkedIn profiles. So, recruiters are going to look at what you post online.

Sharing and exchanging information on social media has become second nature. But before you post your next update, you should consider how it might affect your online reputation.

Unless you set all your profiles to private, recruiters will be able to see what you’ve posted.That’s why the first step to curating your online reputation is a thorough review of your social profiles.Do you see any past posts that might put you in a bad light?You should delete them all.

Don’t hide these posts. Others might still take screenshots and post them for everyone to see. Only leave posts that contribute to a positive image of you as a professional.

Twitter is a particularly tricky social network. If you’re using your real name as a handle, everyone will inevitably associate your tweets with you.You can avoid that by setting your account to private. But remember that other users will still be able to quote you or respond to you publicly.

2. Learn more about the privacy and security settings of the social networks you’re using

Social networks frequently change their privacy settings and policies.That’s why it’s smart to have a close look at them once in awhile.Selecting the right privacy settings will give you control over who can see your profile or browse your posting history.

For Facebook, head straight to Privacy Settings and choose the Limit Past Post Visibility option. That’s how you can hide all your content at once.

Be sure to check the permission and privacy settings of apps installed on your mobile devices as well. They might differ from desktop versions of the same platforms

To curate your online reputation, you need to decide how much information you’re willing to share publicly on the web.When setting your profiles to private, remember not to limit your visibility too much.If recruiters aren’t able to find you online, they might abandon the search altogether and move to another candidate.

3. Get rid of unwanted google mentions, here’s how

Now it’s time to have a look at the search results on Google.Before researching your name, sign out of your Google account. Since Google personalizes search results based on your account activity, you should look yourself up when you aren’t logged in.

Have a look at the first few pages.People with extremely common names, such as Jane Smith, may find nothing. But what do you do if you see results that might damage your reputation?

You should instantly remove them. Google has a procedure for removing sensitive or deeply personal material. Head over here to ask the search engine to delete information from search results.

Remember to check Google Images as well. Do you see anything that might affect your online image negatively? You can remove it, but you’ll need to follow a different procedure.

It’s worth it to have a look at alternative search engines as well. If you need to remove content, Bing and DuckDuckGo have relevant feedback forms. Use them to submit takedown requests for non-legal reasons.

4. Build your status in the industry

Once you remove all content that might compromise your online reputation, it’s time to focus on boosting your image.

It’s especially important for job seekers who struggle to land interviews to build a strong presence online. To develop a personal brand that emphasizes your professionalism and credibility, you need to show recruiters that you’re active in the online community surrounding your sector.

That’s where LinkedIn comes in. Join groups and become part of the conversation. Help others solve their problems and share your expertise.

Make the most out of LinkedIn’s blogging platform. Just make sure that the content you do create is flawless and designed to give you a stellar reputation in your niche.

Don’t forget to optimize your LinkedIn profile. Ask colleagues and supervisors to write recommendations for you or give you endorsements for your skills. Both offer valuable social proof of your skills.

5. Use your online presence to demonstrate your skills

Recruiters will be researching you with your resume in front of them. Make sure that your online and offline personas blend into one coherent story.

You can make a great impression on recruiters by delivering on the promises you’ve made in your application.

For example, if your resume presents you as a talented copywriter, you should back up this claim with an online portfolio where you share your latest projects and client testimonials.

Creatives can significantly benefit from online platforms like Vimeo, Flickr, or Picasa.

Featuring your content on such platforms can give recruiters something to find when they are searching for your name on Google.

Key takeaway

When applying to bigger firms, your job application can compete against 250 others on average. And you can be sure that other candidates cleaned up their online presence before sending in their resumes.

A recent survey among job seekers showed that 59% of job seekers polish their online profiles to appeal to prospective employers.

Your online image is a critical part of your job hunt.Use these tips to gain full control over your online reputation. That’s how you build a professional image that boosts your career value on the job market.

About Natalie Severt

Natalie Severt is a writer at Uptowork - Your Resume Builder ( She writes about how to create successful resumes so that you can land your dream job. When she isn't writing, she eats tacos and reads complicated novels.

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