Boss Lady

5 Steps to creating a wildly successful Instagram business account


Whether you’ve been an Instagrammer since the app’s inception, or have only recently jumped on the bandwagon, Instagram is a modern marketing platform that is just full of possibility for any business owner. And whilst there are so many incredible businesses using Instagram, some of them are struggling to be found. Their content isn’t being seen, they’re not gaining followers, they’re stuck. They’re in ‘Instagram Limbo’.

If you don’t want your account to fall to this fate, particularly with all the continuing changes on the platform, you must follow these five essential steps to building a wildly successful Instagram Business account.

5 Steps to building a wildly successful Instagram business account

1. Show off your best bits in your Instagram bio

The business landscape is competitive – even moreso when you are competing with global businesses for attention on Instagram.

It is imperative that you include the best bits about you in your Instagram bio for your business. You need to stand out, and you need to speak your customer’s language at the same time.

Here are a few things to consider adding to your bio if you are stuck:

  • You have AfterPay, Zippay, or Lay-By
  • You ship worldwide
  • You are a vegan or cruelty free brand
  • You donate a portion of sales to charity
  • You offer free shipping
  • You have a free Facebook Group
  • You have an AMAZING email opt-in
  • Your specialty (i.e. Hairdresser = Blondes, Brunettes, Intense Colours)

2. Have a professional Instagram profile picture

If you are a service-based business owner, or the face of your brand, you need to have a high-quality and friendly headshot as your profile picture. If you are a professional brand such as a clothing brand, skincare brand, or even a fashion boutique, a clean and crisp version of your logo is essential.

If you do choose to use your logo, ensure that it is easy to recognize and read (if it is a word) on a small phone screen as people are scrolling through their newsfeeds.

3. Create a distinctive Instagram style

Some people aren’t a fan, but the truth is that Instagram is all about perfection and if you want to truly capture the Instagram user’s attention, you need to have a carefully curated Instagram feed that has a distinct style.

Perhaps you have a certain model that is always in your boutique’s photos.

Perhaps you have a colour palette or editing style you always use.

Decide on your style and make it yours by consistently utilizing it.

NOTE: Avoid re-gramming images and using quotes – focus on creating your own high-quality content, even if that means hiring a photographer to help you out every quarter for your Social Media photos.

4. Carefully curate your hashtag lists

Hashtags are an essential to any effective Instagram Marketing strategy.

If you’d like to increase your exposure, gain followers, and gain likes, you absolutely need to use all 30 Hashtags available to you each time you post.

In order to avoid being ‘shadow-banned’ or have your Hashtags become redundant from overuse, rotate between 2-3 sets of different 30 Hashtags through the month.

5. Have an Instagram content strategy

Do you know why you’re posting what you’re posting? It’s important to have a clear content marketing strategy with your Instagram content to ensure that the platform is actually helping you to achieve your business goals.

Whether you are wanting to increase brand awareness for a new product, promote the launch of a new side of your business, or gain more clients for your services, you need to figure out what you need to talk about in you captions in order to achieve those goals.

Did you enjoy this article? If so, leave a comment and let us know which step you feel helped you the most.

6. Work Together With Others And Network

Networking with others will only result in positive outcomes. You’ll learn more and build the right kinds of relationships – relationships that will come in handy when you’re looking to try new things. In business, you need to be in tight with others if you’re to be successful, so it’s wise to be everyone’s friend and to get relevant groups involved. A significant entity on Instagram in this day and age is that of the ‘influencer’. If you can get someone influencing skin care or sports equipment (or anything like that), then you’ll be good to go. People take influencers very seriously, and if you’re in their good books, your view count will rise and any subsequent sales that you might want to make from your account.


About Andrea Toulsen'

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