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Customer experience management: make it easier with apps


How is your customer experience management? Are you struggling to answer this question? Well, it is about time you started listening to your app developers. One mistake that many entrepreneurs and business owners make is assuming that the development of apps and the customer experience management are worlds apart.

There are a lot of app development agencies who provide all the tools needed to make the customers happy and loyal. However, most businesses owners believe that app developers are just there to develop the app and tweak it to suit the business needs whereas the customer experience management will be taken care of by a different person or people.

How app development feeds into customer experience management

While the two concepts may look different, they can be complementary. For instance, by interacting with the customers, the developer of the app will be able to tweak it to meet their demand. The customer service department may use the feedback it gets via the app to create the perfect environment. Below are some ways the app developer will help you offer the best customer service experience:

Know your customers

How well do you know your customers? Many businesses believe that they know their customers. I mean, they interact with them daily, right? The truth is that a good number of businesses know very little about the customers. They cannot tell where they are located, what payments methods they prefer, what kind of questions they usually ask, or even their gender. And because of this, many will have a misconception about their customers which leads to poor service delivery and customer experience management.

While creating and rolling out apps, most developers will first interact with the target market. They will want to understand what their problem is, what they require in an app, how a certain app is affecting their lives, and why they switched to the competition. Such questions will help a business to know and better understand its customer base.

Customer retention

Getting a customer can be hard, but not as hard as retaining him/her. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, states that even the most loyal customer will shift base once a better offer comes along. With the advent of apps, having a loyal customer has become harder since they can get all the information they need via their mobile phone, tablet or any other gadget. They no longer need to visit a physical outlet, send emails, or wait for a response.

If you delay in giving them feedback or don’t fully understand their needs, they will simply download another app that they believe will solve their issues. In a matter of minutes if not seconds, you’ll lose a customer. App developers will have better insights on why customers are attracted to your company or are leaving for the competitor. Such information is garnered from the comments and reviews they leave behind.

Gauge the customer experience management

Many app owners and businesses have no clue how good their business is to their customers. Many are satisfied with the many positive reviews they get and will overlook the few negative ones they are getting. Others are happy with the positive reception of the app and the growth in the business. However, they cannot rate the experience on a scale of 1-10.

Lack of knowing exactly where the business stands in terms of customer service delivery can be disastrous. A simple mistake will turn your loyal customers to hostile ones. A good app helps to track the customers and will have a section where they leave comments and opinions. The developer will also use analytics to gauge the customer experience management against the best in the industry.

Areas that need improvement

Customer service is very diverse and covers many areas. A gaming fan may be more concerned about the picture and sound quality of the game, while a mobile app user concentrates more on the safety of funds and speedy delivery. Customer service abd customer experience management are essential and crucial factors on the planning phase when deciding on almost all apps, and especially when making a social media app. A business needs to understand all the areas that affect the business and what current and previous customers are saying.

By working together with app creators, it becomes easy to identify the areas that are lagging behind and need improvement. For instance, the developer will learn that the majority of the customers are okay with the speedy downloads, user-friendly interface, and simplicity of using the app. On the other hand, some may complain that the icon is very dull or that the app uses lots of space.

New ideas

The app creation industry is very broad and is constantly evolving. A while back, attention was more on cloud service providers as it paved a new ideology in the market. This, however, changed as apps took over the market. Nowadays, a service provider will offer several services to cater to the market.

The service provider will already have several concepts that will work with your business. He/she will customize an idea from another business to suit yours. The creator will also avoid things that don’t work with another business. With this knowledge, it much easier to rely on the developers to improve the customer service experience rather than starting from scratch.

Speedy feedback

Customers get frustrated when they do not get feedback on time. Most of them would rather ditch the business rather than resending the request or question. The customer services may be overwhelmed by the numerous questions that customers ask. They also may not be available later at night, weekend, or holidays.

A good customer experience management app will be able to keep track of the questions, forward them to the relevant department and also give the consumer an auto-reply, telling him/her that the question has reached the company and will be addressed soon. The app may also compare different questions and give priority to the most frequent ones.


App development can be used to improve customer experience management. It will help to understand the consumer’s needs and create something that solves their problems, gain feedback, and also create a good platform where the consumers and the business interact.

About Rilind Elezaj'

Rilind Elezaj is a marketing specialist at SavvySME. He has a passion for sharing things that can help businesses grow successfully. He blogs at

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