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C Suite executives roles: recruiting for business success


Recruiting C Suite executives is unlike anything else in recruiting. When you are looking to fill the C Suite executives roles, you need to think differently as you navigate the hiring process. The goal is to recruit the very best executives to fill a top-level position. Advanced recruiting methods are what will get you there. Let us take a closer look at some of the techniques you can use to ensure your C Suite recruiting is a success.

Start by firmly understanding C Suite executives roles

You begin the process of filling the C Suite executives roles by understanding exactly which role you want to fill. Executive recruiting is all about knowing what the top-level position is, what it entails, and what is going to help make a candidate a winner in the role.  Talk to your other C Suite members to get a good grasp of the culture as well to help sell the environment.

The goal for recruiting the C Suite executives roles is to fill one of the high-level executive positions with “chief” in their title. This could include individuals such as the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, among others.

When you begin by knowing exactly which C Suite executives roles you are hiring for, it can make the process of identifying candidates easier. You need to know the industry you are hiring into as well. Do your research to make selling the C-Suite position a winning task.

Use referrals to the fullest extent

Networking is a great way to go when it comes to hiring executives at the C-Suite level. It’s what separates the best staffing agencies from the run of the mill ones. You want to make the most use of your network as possible, looking to existing leaders in your organization as the starting point.

Start by talking with your current C Suite executives and see what they think in terms of suitable options. You can also go through personal contacts, social media connections, and more. Other options for referrals include board members, alumni, and other pertinent stakeholders to your company. The idea here is to think outside of the box and pull from any source you have available.

Be professional at all times

You need to be a consummate professional when hiring for the C Suite executives roles. Those looking at the C Suite executives level do not want to be talking to you through their professional e-mail or via a company phone line. instead, they prefer to get a contact through a private e-mail address. Online networks are another great way to get in touch, such as social networks. It is all about being discrete and confidential when making contact.

Figure out what drives the candidates

What is going to drive the candidate you are after in your C-Suite search? You need to see what motivates individuals at that level. The executives all have different levels of motivation, things that provide them with passion, and a drive forward. As you work to build relationships with those you are trying to recruit, you will learn more about them. Once you understand their drive, you want to match up to how their drive can be a fit for the C-Suite C Suite executives rolesposition you are trying to fill.

Add a personal touch

Adding a personal touch and going a little bit further can be a deal-breaker with the C Suite executives roles recruiting effort. When you are trying to land a candidate, you want to show them how much your company believes in them, what they are willing to invest. When you need to make an offer, do it with other members of the C-Suite and in-person as well. Once you build up a relationship, you know their favorite restaurant or game, try to work that into the pitch. Making it personalized in some way can be a game-changer.


The C Suite executives recruiting process is one that you need to move through carefully. As you navigate each step fo the recruitment process, do it with a lot of thought. Plan out each move incrementally and go step-by-step. By knowing the role and the industry, relying on referrals, and going the extra quarter to add a personal touch you can make a difference and increase your odds of success. C-Suite level recruiting is a challenge but it can be a rewarding one that will morph your organization for the better in the years to come.

About Matt Shealy

Matt Shealy is President of

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