Enabling the rebuilding of a country after a catastrophic event can only be done with many small steps. Nepal’s 2015 earthquake devastated Kathmandu and left a people and their way of life in ruin. As with nearly any third world disaster, it is generally the women who suffer most. Even the most unpleasant and hardest work is difficult to find as the economy and infrastructure is decimated into rubble. But you can help them…
In the lead up to International Women’s Day on March 8, Business in Heels has launched a campaign to help kick-start the businesses of the women of Nepal. We want to help take them from rubble to rupees so their vital socio-economic functions may be restored and future generations of Nepalese women will be taught the value of economic independence.
“Sunisha’s branch exists in a country where the daily struggles of women would overwhelm most of us. Bravely, she soldiers on and, as the rebuilding process continues, she is keen to once again provide the environment for the women of Kathmandu to meet in safety, make connections and encourage each other to turn their passions into businesses,” explains Lisa Sweeney, the Master Franchisor for Business in Heels Global
International Women’s Day is calling on women all around the globe to do something practical to help. By assisting Sunisha to set up a structured meeting and networking community in Kathmandu, we are taking very practical steps to help our Nepalese sisters in business to create a business that will support their families. Every woman can be a leader in her own part of the world; we just need to take pragmatic action to fast track this leadership and the rewards it brings.
Be a part of helping rebuild women’s businesses by –
- Becoming a Crystal Member. It’s free and BIH will donate $1 for every new member up until March 8.
- Becoming a Diamond Member. The cost is $165 and BIH will donate $50 for every new Diamond up until March 8.
- Leaving comments of support on the website.
- Becoming Event Partners with Sunisha in Nepal from as little as $150. Every event partner will have their brand circulated to every Business in Heels branch in the world!
Please see www.businessinheels.com for details.