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Small business ideas: 5 business ideas you can start on your own


Whether you want to escape the 9-to-5 or you are simply looking to earn a little extra money on the side, activating one of these small business ideas is an excellent way to go about it.

Being your own boss and managing things the way you want to are just a few of the reasons why many people are deciding to do this and go a step up on their career ladder.

The reality is that starting a business involves serious planning, which includes everything from writing a solid business plan and coming up with a recognizable name and logo to making key financial decisions and engaging in other legal activities.

However, the biggest challenge for upcoming entrepreneurs is what kind of small business ideas they should activate. The rule of thumb for this is to choose something that is both your passion and something in which you are knowledgeable so that investing your time and money will be worthwhile.

5 small business ideas you can set up on your own

If you need inspiration, here are five small business ideas from different industries that you can consider.

Online seller

If you are into sales, then your first choice would be to start an online selling business. You can create your own eCommerce store or turn to a selling platform to get you started. A large number of online sellers choose to establish an Amazon FBA business since it is both time- and cost-effective, making it a great alternative for individuals on a budget.

But before you start your Amazon FBA store, be sure to look at how this business model works to make use of all services the company offers. Amazon can help you reach more clients and in return, your sales will increase.    

Personal fitness trainer

Staying fit and healthy is now more important than ever. So, another great choice of small business ideas is becoming a personal fitness trainer. You can help people change their lifestyles by providing consultations, personalized nutrition, and exercise regimens.

You can start your business online by sharing free exercise videos and healthy snack ideas on social media platforms and then gradually scale up. Once you make your way into the fitness industry, you can open up your own gym and offer personal training and nutrition services.


No matter the circumstances in the world, cosmetology is one of the industries that will always thrive. Cosmetology is the art and science of beauty treatment. So, becoming a professional cosmetologist is an excellent small business idea you can consider.

You can work as a hairstylist, a makeup artist, or a nail technician after enrolling in a cosmetology school and completing several training courses that will make you a licensed cosmetologist. You can open up a small beauty salon in your garage or find a place where you can set up all of your equipment.

If you have a budget, on the other hand, and you want to start right away with an already established brand and customer base, you may also want to consider owning a beauty bar franchise or something similar to that kind.

Interior designer

A creative and challenging industry you will never get bored with is interior design. The opportunity to decorate an interior of any kind using limited resources is what makes this profession a very popular and appealing choice from the small business ideas list.

To become the best interior designer, you must first enroll in interior designing courses that will help you develop your skills. Although it may take some time to build your portfolio, you can still document any projects you work on and share them online to create a fan base that will certainly expand in the future.    

Medical courier service

The healthcare industry is expanding so another profitable one of the best small business ideas you should consider is starting your own medical delivery service. This job requires you to distribute and pick up supplies to hospitals, clinics, and people who need specific items delivered to their doorstep daily. All you need is a reliable vehicle and good time management skills to be efficient.

Depending on your finances, you can hire drivers or deliver the supplies personally. In order to be trustworthy, you and your employees must be licensed and knowledgeable about how to properly handle medical items.

Final thoughts

Whether you are into interior design or sales, you can use your current skills and knowledge to launch a business that you genuinely enjoy. However, do not hesitate to invest in some courses, so that you can learn more about the business you are about to start.

If you need inspiration about what business you should engage in, be sure to use this article as a reference and borrow some of the small business ideas here to become a successful business owner.  

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