All posts tagged "bossy women"

  • You’ve got this: Dealing with a horrible boss

    Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this’. If you’d like Froswa’ to...

  • You’ve got this: Dealing with an insecure boss

    Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this. If you’d like Froswa’ to...

  • The Female Boss: Together we are stronger

    Setting out in business is hard.  Regardless of gender you are going to come up against some pretty stiff competition and also meet some rather judgemental souls.  As unfair as it may seem though, women...

  • career sponsors product manufacture

    Own your own bossiness

    Society manages to push this notion into girls heads that being bossy is a bad thing. And in the environment of school, bossiness doesn’t always get you the most friends in the playground. But bossiness...

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