All posts tagged "build business"
LLC structures: the pros and cons for your business
A limited liability company is a simple and inexpensive business structure. As with all business structures there is a wide range of pros and cons which you can expect, if you decide to set up...
System strategy to run a business from home
It sometimes can be a tug-of-war for women trying to run a business and have a family at the same time, leaving many women with one option – to run their business from home. This...
5 reasons you should not overthink opportunities and go for it
In business, life moves fast. You have to be ready at the drop of a hat to go with the flow. In this every changing landscape of social media and new tech start ups, we...
To build a business or to buy one? How to get into the game
If you want to get rich, you have to build something that people need. Or at least, that’s how things are supposed to work. It’s simple economics, after all. And well, the principle of supply...
Could SMEs set the benchmark for good business behaviour?
When does the business focus shift from the needs of the customer to the needs of the shareholders and investors? Every year, about 50 million businesses start up around the world. More than 500,000 businesses...
Top 5 tips for success as an Olderpreneur
The phrase ‘olderpreneur’ could apply to me because as an over fifties baby boomer, I am finally now my own boss. Age discrimination does not exist when you are your own boss. See below for...
Why we all need to be more curious
In a recent Harvard Business Review study, Are You Solving the Right Problems?, 85 per cent of 106 C-Suite executives agreed their organisations were bad at diagnosing problems, with 87 per cent of them believing this flaw carried...
How to be taken seriously as a woman in business in a male dominated industry
With just under 30% of the real estate industry being represented by women, it can be tough for women to be heard in a roomful of men, especially when men are earning more than $131,000...
What’s your story? using videos to build your brand
Effective marketing gurus know the power of telling a story and how it engages the target audience. What better way of telling a story other than through a video. The story needs to be engaging,...