All posts tagged "business failures"
Facing your fear: The most common fears for entrepreneurs
This guide outlines the most common fears in small business, and how to go about facing your fear and overcoming it. Being an entrepreneur is not an easy feat, but when it comes to women,...
The #1 hidden reason women fail at business and what you can do about it.
The primary hidden reason women fail at business is because they place the least importance on the most important thing. Their health! Without health there is no wealth! Ok, I know you can say you’ve...
The hard part of letting go of your start-up
When you start your business, you tend to be involved in every aspect of the business. In most cases that will be because you want to influence every early decision, but it wouldn’t be uncommon...
How to eliminate the ‘what could I have done differently?’ game
Major disappointments. Failures. Losses. Giving it your all and falling flat. No one is immune to setbacks in life and yet in the face of these times, some people get lost, forever wondering what went...
Infographic: How famous creatives overcame failure
As more and more women join the workforce, the gender disparity is slowly fading away. Currently, men make up about 56% of employees. That’s almost an even split between male and female workers! Not so...
Lost your ‘Why’? 5 steps to find it again
Do you ever have times when it all seems too hard and kind of pointless? We all go through periods in business where we’re lacking focus and less motivated than usual. Sometimes it’s easily explained...
Failure for success: How 5 famous entrepreneurs overcame failure
Failure! Rejection! Defeat! For most of us, these words instil feelings of terror and dread, but you may be surprised to learn the even the most successful among us have experienced failure in their business...
6 Reasons your business is failing: and how to avoid it
Every business has its ups and downs. What really matters is how down there are you? If your sales are decreasing at a fast rate, you begin losing customers or you are having trouble paying...
When things go wrong in business: how to respond
Your business is your life, a venture you’ve poured your heart and soul into. It’s likely to be your primary source of income and therefore your livelihood, and so making it work is incredibly important....