All posts tagged "business presence"
4 top bad hair day fixes for professional hairstyles
Hair is one of the first things people notice about you. And when it comes to the corporate world, professional hairstyles are one of the most visible aspects of your appearance and as such it...
Sales channels: 3 tips for retail to grow using channel insights
Starting your own business is equal parts exciting and challenging. But when 90% of new businesses are destined to fail, what can you do to make sure yours gets off to a good start? This...
5 Budding women entrepreneur tips for a successful business launch
If you’re a budding woman entrepreneur with a great idea ready to bring to market, the road ahead is exciting, rewarding, inspiring to other women, and certainly challenging. You will be launching your new business...
6 End-of-year preparations your business can begin now
The end of a year looms upon us before we even have the chance to properly take in everything that occurred during the course of the twelve months that just breezed by. Due to being...
How to give a great presentation
If you dread being asked to do a presentation for work because you hate standing in front of crowds and speaking, you’ll be happy to know you aren’t the first and you won’t be the...
7 best ways to brand your business… and yourself
When building a business and your place within an industry, it’s important to start off on the right foot. Positively branding your business and yourself is a vital part of getting ahead and achieving success....
How to improve your presentation in business — and why it matters
This guide outlines why your presentation in business is important, and strategies you can use to improve it and raise your brand profile. One of the earliest life lessons you’re taught is not to judge...