All posts tagged "business stress"
Burnout or something more? Beware connection of work stress and depression
Just living in the 21st century puts one under a lot of pressure. Every day we read about imminent environmental collapse, terrorism or the threat of another cold war. And every season a deadly disease...
Stressed at work: 5 signs you’re TOO stressed (and what to do about it)
Everyone who has ever had a job has experienced some period of being stressed at work. Seriously, everyone. The barista is stressed when the line of caffeine fiends snakes from the register out the door...
You’ve got this: How to deal with killer stress
Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this’. If you’d like Froswa’ to...
Research reveals what 65% of people are stressing over, but doing nothing about
New research reveals that 65% of people have worried about not knowing how much money they will need in the next decade, but only 25% have acted to find out the required amount. The data...
How stress hurts health
New millennium women play a wide range of roles in one day. Personal chef, frugal housekeeper, office executive, loving caretaker, funny girlfriend, nurturing mother, and many others are just a few of these roles. This...
How to deal with stress: smart strategies from business leaders
This concise guide outlines several smart strategies to deal with stress, recommended by the world’s top business leaders. A recent study shows that 60% of executive and professional women experience anxiety, stress, and psychological distress in...
Entrepreneurship and schmoozing go hand in hand
Schmoozing and selling — whether product or service — believing and having the confidence in oneself, is what we entrepreneurs do. Are we born, is it in our DNA. Are we made that way, can...
7 Scientifically backed ways to de-stress your work day
We experience stress anywhere,commuting, shopping, dating, and we recognize that we are stressed and oftentimes try to do something about it; take the train to work, shop when it’s quieter, make that first date at...
Women, business and sanity
Congratulations are in order. Against all the odds, you have reached the top of the tree. As the big boss, you don’t have to tolerate the boy’s club any longer because you make the decisions....