All posts tagged "business woman"

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    What’s your action plan when things go wrong?

    Nearly everyone who goes into business is at aware of the fact that at times, it can be a risky game. Even the most reliable chains of supply and demand can be affected by things...

  • 8 top ways to get savvy with your business

    If you look the word ‘savvy’ up in the dictionary, you will probably find a definition along the lines of ‘good at judgments; pertaining to a shrewd and practical knowledge.’ As you can see, being...

  • retail business brick and mortar business business small business open sign

    Why you could franchise your own business

    If you are thinking of franchising, a franchise opportunity can offer some businesses the chance to optimize their returns, but not many people are aware of what franchising involves. Why franchise a business? Franchisees propel...

  • small business loans negotiate salary tattoos in the workplace merchant Cash advance loan financial freedom gender wage gap

    How to get your clients to pay more

    In a recent article for Entrepreneur magazine, Mike Templeman writes that when it comes to pricing your product, “don’t be the cheapest, be the best.” The author notes that founders of startups entering a competitive...

  • what is imposter syndrome boss lady company image how to become a manager

    After the applause: the benefits of entering award programs

    Entering awards provides entrepreneurs like Jade McKenzie the Founder of Event Head with a unique platform to scale their business, build powerful networks and boost their profile. It also helps motivate award entrants to set...

  • furniture for a business

    4 tips to make your first office a breeze

    Moving your startup into an office for the first time can be nerve-wracking. It’s a commitment that can feel like a huge risk. You need to be able to keep up with your rent and...

  • women startups

    5 top tips to market your new startup business

    As a new entrepreneur, you won’t have the benefit of experience behind you. You won’t have made all of the usual mistakes, so you won’t know to avoid them either. Here are the best marketing...

  • Tips for business and career women – confidence

    I recently went on a maths school excursion with a group of 26 kids kids aged 8-10 years old. They were set a memory and logic challenge that had them competing against a clock. The...

  • creating a personal brand visible press release distribution service customer complaints outsourcing business processes - What is social media in marketing

    The 9 biggest challenges businesswomen face — and what to do about them

    In a normal working week, how many challenges do you think you face? …5? …10? …too many to count?The truth is, you don’t know and you may not be aware of them all,because they are...

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