All posts tagged "business women"
11 great lines to start networking conversations
Meeting new people can be hard, nerve-wracking and often involves you going out on a limb to break the ice and make a contact. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it because there are...
7 ways to nail your public speaking
Public speaking is reportedly the greatest fear people feel. And what’s behind that fear? Concern about stumbling, or being thought foolish, or not being a ‘great orator’. But the truth is that very few people...
4 reasons your boss hates you (and how to manage it)
People hating their boss happens more often than is generally publicly discussed, but we all know of at least one instance. Even less discussed, it is just as common to feel your boss hates you,...
7 must-have apps for business women
In the race to success, women are increasingly contributing equally with men. Successful women such as Brit Morin, Mellissa George and Julia Hartz are the great examples of modern world’s business. These incredible women had...
How to shed the shackles of feeling obligated
Do you often feel ‘obligated’ to fulfil a request, attend an event — or even accept a date? Too often women are ridiculed or even mocked purely because they simply declined an event invitation, a...
How to create trust in your team
What can you do to create trust in your team and give them the environment they need that promotes trust across the board? Ideally, people would speak up, give their points of view, and build...
Questions you should be asking yourself daily
Asking questions often leads to more questions than it does answers. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask them. By asking yourself questions, you can find out something new about yourself every day, which can...
5 tips on how to be brave
Being brave is something that doesn’t come easily to many of us. That’s because bravery isn’t a trait we’re born with, it’s a learned attribute and one that comes from experience – and fear. So...
10 tips to make an impact in meetings
Trying to make an impact with your boss and other influential people in your company can be a difficult thing to do. You need to strike the right balance of when, where and how. That is...