All posts tagged "business workplace"
Advance women: 3 ways companies can progress women into leadership
We know it makes good business sense to advance women into top leadership positions. The Delivering Through Diversity report from McKinsey & Co says, “Companies in the top-quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 21%...
Proactive mindset strategy: 7 mindsets for better organization
This guide outlines how a proactive mindset can affect productivity, and the top 7 mindsets to employ. How often is your week thrown into disarray as some new urgent issue rears its head? How often...
What should you do about sexual harassment at work?
Sexual misconduct of any kind can have far-reaching effects on a victim’s life. For example, when children are exposed to sexual abuse it can create long-term complications, including depression and anxiety, negative self-esteem and self-worth,...
The career woman’s new best friend: meal delivery services
So, you’re doing your best to keep up with your business deliverables daily, and still don’t want to miss out on keeping yourself fit and active. That’s perfectly understandable; hectic and healthy seems to be...
Dealing with alcohol issues at work parties
At this time of year, work parties are everywhere. And while the parties themselves are different they all have one common factor — alcohol (and the issues it can cause in the work environment). Being...
Best ways to stay safe when getting back to work
The COVID-19 pandemic has not yet come to an end, but the reopening process of businesses and workplaces is well underway. After spending weeks and months cooped up indoors during the lockdown, a lot of...
How to set up a carpool with your coworkers
We are often encouraged to use public transport to get to work in order to reduce our carbon footprint. Of course, not everyone lives in a location with easy access to public transport and so...
8 tips to become a more sustainable business
Sustainability in the workplace might be the last thing on a business-owners mind. However, sustainability has become more than just a buzz word – sustainability has real business benefits when conscientiously integrated into business operations,...
How to have a ‘sensible’ argument in the workplace
Unless you are one of those people who can make a drama out of a borrowed paperclip (there’s a diplomatic name for it: high-conflict people) then you might go months at a time without approaching...