All posts tagged "Business"
A single mum’s guide to surviving and thriving in business
Are you a single Mum? Then you know it’s a rollercoaster ride with dizzying heights and gut-wrenching lows. Being a mum is undoubtedly difficult. From letting your parents know you’re having a baby, picking out...
Change can happen in 90 days, with a cunning plan
The biology of our brain is motivated to respond to short-term threats, not those that seem far off in the future. Think about the simple act of saving for your retirement. When you are a...
4 Reasons self-directed business education beats an MBA
Do you need an MBA? If you don’t have a business degree, you may wonder if you need to go back to school in order to be competitive in the business world. But as a...
Costs of running a business: common costs that are overlooked
Running a business is rarely straightforward. There are many different factors that need to be taken into account. One area that needs your attention is the financial side of things. This is where a lot...
Business idea development: take these steps to turn the idea into reality
Everyone who has a business idea thinks it’s the best idea since sliced bread. And although that’s never the case, your business idea can take off and find success if you’re willing to take the...
The privileges of being the authority figure
The smartest business owners are always improving their skills, staying up with the latest developments in their field and educating themselves. After all, who do you want to do your taxes – the accountant who’s...
What the ‘Internet of Things’ means for intellectual property
Until recently the protection of intellectual property law has focused on protecting physical devices. With the shift to a more connected society and the rise of agile/lean business principles to develop better products the old...
Side business to full time business: how to grow your hustle
There are so many ways to run a business — about as many ways as there are entrepreneurs. Often, some of the best and strongest businesses actually start out as a side business. This happens...
Starting a successful business from scratch takes smarts, strategy — and courage
Running your own business can be a liberating and personally fulfilling experience. You’ll finally be able to become to your own boss, set your own schedule and do work that you’re truly passionate about. Striking...