All posts tagged "career development"
6 things to consider when applying for jobs
It’s time to nail that dream career, develop a killer application and get the job you love! But when applying for jobs or even deciding whether to work at a new company, it’s essential to...
Mentorship for success: how to find a good mentor
This guide outlines how mentorship can boost your business and career and success, and how to find a good mentor Remember the old saying, ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know’? The statement...
Improve professional skills: 7 ways to strengthen your abilities
This short guide outlines seven strategies to improve professional skills and strengthen your abilities in your chosen career field. In this life, we all want to be able to enter a particular field and become...
6 Success tips for female lawyers to advance
Law is a demanding profession. This can be particularly true for women. Many female lawyers struggle to achieve the same level of success as their male counterparts. However, some renowned female lawyers have made it...
Interactive Voice Response meaning, and what IVR can do for business
This guide outlines Interactive Voice Response meaning and features, and details the benefits it can offer small, medium and large business operations. The use of an IVR offers companies many advantages for business communication that...
Online courses: 5 reasons women do better than men in learning online
This guide outlines the reasons that women are dominating in online courses, and what it means for women. In the field of education, the internet has made some remarkable strides which mostly benefit minority groups...
Advancing my career: How to continue advancing despite a downturn
With an economic downturn, many people are asking: how can I continue advancing my career. We outline the strategies. With these tough times, the global economy is in a downward spiral. The unemployment rate is...
Remote work: Preparing your team for the future norm
This guide outlines the future of remote work, and what staff and employers are looking for in new arrangements. One of the great changes in society’s lifestyle that has come and will remain for the...
Professional credentials and skills: How to ensure yours are valued
Everyone wants to be valued. That’s why it can be painful when others, such as our employers, place less than the appropriate value on our skills and credentials. However, your value to your employer is...