All posts tagged "career ladder"

  • Shyness

    Why being quiet shouldn’t be detrimental to progressing your career

    When 200+ quieter professional women were surveyed whether they felt like they have to be extroverted to progress in their careers, 91% chose ‘often’ or ‘sometimes’. It is common for professionals – both women and...

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    4 Tips on how to make a roadmap to success before university

    Not many people accidentally stumble upon a successful and rewarding career without planning for it. Before university even begins there are things that can be done to prepare ahead of time. This way you are more...

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    6 ways to succeed in your career

    So, you’re having a tough year at work!  Do some days seem to drag on endlessly?  Are there times when you wish you were anywhere other than at work?  Do you fear losing your sanity...

  • starting new business

    Career ladder secrets to get you to the top — and fast!

    You have always been a hard worker ever since you were you; you planned out your future and had enormous dreams mapped out. You soon realized that being successful in your career was not going...

  • 7 career benefits of being bilingual

    Having the ability, skill, and knowledge to be able to speak two languages will stand you in good stead in many aspects of life. In fact, learning a foreign tongue will change your life for...

  • employee disputes gender discrimination

    How to pick the career of your dreams

    Any time you come to a decision to either begin a career or change to a different one, it can seem like such a harrowing and agonizing experience. And you may have to endure months...

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    4 things that could hold back your career

    Are you still climbing your particular career ladder? Or have things started to stall for you? Either way, you need to be fully aware of some of the things that could hold your career back...

  • leadership characteristics What is self respect

    8 signs you are ready for an executive role

    Career growth is about timing and effort. When the timing is right, and you’ve shown enough effort, you’ll surely step up the organizational ladder. In the recent years, women have grown exponentially in the business...

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    Climbing the corporate ladder

    What does it take to be a leader? Skill? Talent? Or maybe just gender? What do you need to keep climbing the ladder if you’re a woman? A recent study has been shown that women...

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