All posts tagged "Career tips"

  • office safety

    The importance of ergonomics in the workplace

    It doesn’t matter if you are working your dream job or if you are stuck in one simply because you need something to do or a way to help pay the bills; you want to...

  • 3 Reasons women should pursue technical careers

    Aston Martin engine management systems integration engineer Kim Everitt says she got started on her career path by watching motorsports on television. Her mother always encouraged her to pursue her dreams, and after she started...

  • creating a personal brand visible press release distribution service customer complaints outsourcing business processes - What is social media in marketing

    Affiliate marketing for women entrepreneurs

    Although gender equality has blurred the lines between traditional roles, women still tend to be relied upon to take on board the bulk of domestic tasks, especially where rearing children is concerned. But this aspect...

  • women networking

    Women don’t brag about their career successes: Study from LinkedIn

    The recent LinkedIn study shows that women tend to talk less about their job experience and success than men. While it seems that an equal gender representation is something that has already been accomplished, the...

  • business writing skills how to become a better writer

    5 Benefits of keeping a daily business journal

    Journaling is a powerful tool used by successful people to stay focused. In this world of distractions it’s almost impossible to conquer our goals. It’s not long before we become dissatisfied and give up on...

  • Developing self-esteem is key to your success

    Job satisfaction: How to have fun with the job you have

    If you are unhappy at work, changing jobs often seems to be the only solution – but what if you could gain happiness by changing your energy? This way, any choice you make will be...

  • career goals switching careers

    Why you need to have a career plan

    Career success isn’t an accident, and at a time when how we work is fundamentally changing it requires increased focus and planning. This isn’t the traditional 10 year plan that people did in the past....

  • cope with business

    12 Ways to recession-proof your career

    They say there is a recession just around the corner. If that is true, now is the time for employees to make sure their career is recession proof Yes, the “R” word is being tossed...

  • Overcoming the fear of public speaking

    Shaking hands and shaking legs, stumbling over words, sounding like a textbook and feeling foolish. That was me giving a talk! This hell dominated my life when I was working years ago in the corporate...

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