All posts tagged "Career tips"
You’ve got this: Kicking goals but no praise for performance?
Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this’. If you’d like Froswa’ to...
What every introvert should do to have a great career
Introverts have a hard time at their workplace. In a world where they are surrounded by extroverts with have a different attitude toward life, introverts cannot just come to terms with what is happening around...
You’ve got this: How to deal with a coworker’s smelly food
Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this’. If you’d like Froswa’ to look at...
Want to work at home? Here’s how to convince your boss
Imagine if you could grab your laptop and work productively away at the local Starbucks. You’d sip a Grande latte and savor a lip-smacking warm croissant. No more waking up at six AM and being...
You’ve got this: How to deal with a lack of respect
Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this’. If you’d like Froswa’ to...
Tips to help you relocate temporarily for work
Have you recently been offered a promotion or a new job altogether, but the catch is that you’ll need to temporarily relocate? Deciding to go ahead with relocation in order to take the job is...
The critical skills you need for future career success
With the ever-increasing pace of change in the workplace, comes the corresponding need for new skills and expertise. Career success requires you to keep an eye to the future – adapting and refining your skill...
You’ve got this: How can I relate to millennial coworkers?
Dr Froswa’ Booker-Drew answers your questions, putting her years of experience and practice into the goal of solving those knotty problems that beset us, and assuring us: ‘you’ve got this. If you’d like Froswa’ to...
How to ask for a raise without coming off as ‘entitled’
Look around the office and count the first ten colleagues you see. Statistically, four of them believe they’re underpaid. And a fifth one is beginning to sense, in just one leg, that they’re not getting...