All posts tagged "computer security"
How to create strong passwords – don’t be so obvious!
Your password is the first level of security to your account. It is also one of the most effective ways to secure your personal details in any online account from unauthorised access. It is unfortunate...
VPN for business: why it’s now an indispensable business tool
The use of a VPN for business has skyrocketed as the business world has moved increasily online. It is now a crucial too for company success. The way we work is changing, with the vast...
Password management for enterprise networks: the key factors
Password management for enterprise networks is an essential cybersecurity component, but not one that enterprise networks seem to take seriously enough. A single compromised password can cause chaos in a system, and the breach can...
Lifetime VPN subscriptions: Great deal or scam?
VPNs are necessary tools for anyone who runs a business. But if you’re looking to save money, can you count on lifetime VPN subscriptions? Businesses can no longer pretend like they don’t need a VPN....
How PC cleaning and optimization improves business computers
The introduction of computers and the internet over decades ago has brought revolutionary changes to our lives for the better. In fact, the virtual world forms an integral part of many lives nowadays. Yet, as...
Protect your online business with these four tips
It doesn’t matter whether you are still in the planning stages of your online business, or you want to have a go at protecting your existing ecommerce platform, you’ve worked hard already. The brand that...
The 5 biggest threats to business cybersecurity
Whether you run an SME or are part of a multinational conglomerate, the most prevalent (and terrifying) threat to businesses over the past decade has been, without a doubt, cybersecurity. As new technologies drive innovation...
Network monitoring: Why it is important for your business
Do you deal with frequent network outages or slow speeds? Network monitoring is important if you want to respond to IT problems before they affect your bottom line negatively. Why network monitoring is crucial for...
Red teaming: what is it and should you use it for optimal security?
What is red teaming, and should you be doing it to test whether your security tools and procedures will stand up to a cyber attack? On average, it takes businesses 191 days to identify a security...