All posts tagged "cybersecurity"

  • Security posture math education cybersecurity strategies risk management in cybersecurity cybersecurity for small business

    Risk management in cybersecurity: What you need to know

    This guide outlines risk management in cybersecurity, detailing the biggest risk factors, how to address them, and steps to implement a cybersecurity risk management plan. In business, risk assessment and management in relation to data...

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    Women in cybersecurity are increasing but we need more

    This guide outlines the situation for women in cybersecurity and why we need to close the gender gap and skills gap. Did you know that according to the latest SANS Institute survey, women only hold...

  • Virtual data room women hate women in social media

    #1 habit to protect your business

    If you want to move your business forward with confidence, set up strong security habits. One tool that can help is NordLocker. It lets you easily encrypt files on Windows and Mac computers. Plus, you...

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    5 Cybersecurity tips

    Cybersecurity, whether you like it or not, is a hot and relevant topic these days, not just for business, but also for home users of technology.  So, what do you need to know to keep...

  • Protect your online business with these four tips

    It doesn’t matter whether you are still in the planning stages of your online business, or you want to have a go at protecting your existing ecommerce platform, you’ve worked hard already. The brand that...

  • Virtual data room women hate women in social media

    The 5 biggest threats to business cybersecurity

    Whether you run an SME or are part of a multinational conglomerate, the most prevalent (and terrifying) threat to businesses over the past decade has been, without a doubt, cybersecurity. As new technologies drive innovation...

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    Cyber-paranoia: How scared should you be of getting hacked?

    Lately, cybersecurity has been one of the most prominent topics in the media. We’re constantly hearing about new data breaches, where thousands of people are having their personal information compromised by hackers and other types...

  • Virtual data room women hate women in social media

    How are women doing in cybersecurity?

    CyberSecurity Ventures estimate that due to the ever-encroaching nature of the online criminal activity, losses due to cybercrime will amount to a staggering $6 trillion a year by 2021. Furthermore, thanks to companies having to...

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