All posts tagged "elevator pitch"
How to make it easy for your perfect customer to find you
You’ve started a business. You’ve learned how to sell yourself, in order to sell your product. You’re in touch with your target market’s mindset, and you’re ready to deliver. There’s just one problem: Few people...
Work that pitch – But not on the elevator!
I am really not a fan of the elevator pitch. Frankly, I don’t know what I find more distasteful: the prospect of one more impersonal elevator pitch (for funding or a product) landing in my...
Elevator pitch: 5 tips to sell yourself brilliantly
1. Craft a flawless oral resume to propel your career. Coming up with the right words to sum up your entire professional portfolio in 30 seconds or less is a tall order. And keeping...
You call that an elevator pitch?
You’re at a business social event, and someone comes up to you with that welcome request: “Tell me about your company.” Do you stammer: “Er… um… well, we get a great view from the office...
How to create a memorable elevator pitch
Don’t underestimate the importance of a memorable elevator pitch. Have you ever been in a situation where you meet a new person in an elevator, and they ask: “What do you do?” You only have...