All posts tagged "Featured"

  • Returning from maternity leave

    Returning from maternity leave: go straight to the boardroom

    This concise guide outlines how to secure a board position after returning from maternity leave. It is common for women who have left the workforce to have a family to find it hard to return,...

  • Productive habits Google My Business technology digital internet apps phone

    The 10 rules of great email newsletters

    Email newsletters are often not done well and the sender often wonders why people are opting out by the droves.   In a very simple term, think about what you like to read.   If you don’t...

  • How the media are failing Michelle Obama

    Michelle Obama has built a strong reputable brand quite separately from that of her husband — who just happens to be the outgoing US President. Michelle is an outspoken advocate for a range of issues...

  • career goals switching careers

    Alternative career options for women

    Whether you’re already a mother, a woman considering motherhood or simply a woman looking at your career options, you need to be aware that career disruption or difficulties re-entering the workforce post children is a...

  • registering a business name Building a strong brand | 5 steps

    Starting a business step 4: business brand image

    Following on from our overview of how to turn your hobby into a business, let’s look in more dep that the fourth step: Do you look like a professional business? By “professional business” – I...

  • office safety

    9 tips to become an expert on any subject quickly

    In life, it pays to be a fast learner. We need to be fast in completing our daily activities, effective in handling our tasks at work and managing time with family and friends, as well...

  • tough conversations : who your enemies are

    How to deal with gossip in business

    It doesn’t matter how mild mannered you are – there’s bound to be someone in your office or industry with a negative attitude and little regard for the feelings of others. In school, you probably...

  • Gold egg in nest from hay close-up

    How to build your nest egg despite a glass ceiling

    In today’s world, we’ve all heard the term “glass ceiling.” It is usually applied when talking about opportunities for women to move into high-level management positions within the corporate world. It is mentioned when talking...

  • buying barcodes digital marketing consultant business questions ask questions at work vehicle fleet insurance What is an Operating Agreement for an LLC

    9 questions not to ask your boss

    ‘There are no stupid questions’. We’ve all heard the saying, but have probably been reluctant to completely believe it. And that’s because there are some questions you shouldn’t ask. In the workplace in particular, some...

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