All posts tagged "Featured"
5 ways to miss an opportunity
Opportunities are the crucial stepping stones to the next levels in our careers and business. And we should always focus on keeping an eye out for opportunities and making the most of them when they...
The 5 F-words men use to negotiate with women
When a woman negotiates with a man there is often an expectation that the male will be gentler on the female than he would be with another male. This is a very dangerous assumption to...
Which social media is right for you?
So, you are on Facebook personally but you have just recently started your business. Everyone is sharing their Facebook page posts and you start to think that is what you need. Maybe it is! Maybe...
The 9 people you should ditch from your work life
Has anyone ever annoyed you so much that you just want to get rid of them from your life? The bad news is, there are many types of people like this and chances are, you’ll...
Staying in the present and working towards the future
Time may be the most certain thing in life, and no matter whatever we do, it continues to advance. Unfortunately, in our struggle to succeed in the present, it can be hard to plan for...
Who supports you will make or break you
Big goals take big risks. It’s exciting to go for what you have always wanted– but it’s also going to put you through every possible difficult situation you can imagine. And you will need support....
10 tips for working mothers to balance work and home
Being a working mother can be challenging for any woman. Once you become a mom, you need to have superhuman skills to keep a balance between work and life. The mind-boggling lists of chores give...
Sneaky unhealthy cereal that will kill your performance [VIDEO]
We all know that to be at our best performance levels all day, we need to fuel ourselves with the right foods. But many food companies are fooling us by promoting their products as healthy,...
3 ways to deal with working mother guilt
Most working mothers I know — myself included — are in a constant battle with ourselves. We tend to question ourselves often and feel guilty about not being the ‘perfect parent’. This is a struggle...