All posts tagged "gender equality"
Gender discrimination: women are still combatting the workplace problem
Workplaces have for decades been rife with gender discrimination. Although some of us like to believe that gender is no longer a barrier, is that really the case? According to Pew Research Center survey data,...
Gender differences: Does gender affect efficiency in the workplace?
Efficiency and productivity are a touchy subject with employees in the workplace. When you throw gender differences into the pot it starts to boil quite rapidly. Considering all the #metoo activity and the increasing numbers...
Gig economy jobs can help you rejoin the workforce: 4 reasons to get one
The gig economy is transforming the way we order food, hail a cab, and, of course, the way we work. For many people, gig economy jobs provide a flexible source of income and much-needed path...
Yes, women are taking over – and it’s a good thing
It wasn’t until 1792 that a woman stood up for her gender and declared that all women should be treated the same as men. Mary Wollstonecraft cried that women were not born to be slaves...
Gender pay gap can be closed: 6 powerful tactics to shut it for good
The gender pay gap is still a big problem, even in first-world countries. As Australian Former Sex Discrimination Commissioner (2007-2015), Elizabeth Broderick explains, “Australian women are among the most highly educated in the world, yet...
Women of STEM: What future women in STEM must know
This guide outlines what the future women of STEM — today’s girls of STEM — will need to know to succeed in their fields. The past decade has shown great momentum in diversifying STEM (science,...
Gender equality now – Will it be better for women in future?
Gender equality in the business industry has certainly come a long way over the years since women entered the workforce. However, even in 2018, the fight for gender equality is far from over. In fact,...
Female flexibility: How remote jobs are closing the gender gap
For years now, salary has hardly been the most important feature to job hunters. Instead, employees are clamoring for better benefits: more reliable health plans, more plentiful PTO, and more flexibility. In fact, it is...
Gender equity infographic: Which countries are closing the gap?
In Australia today the average female worker earns 15.3% less than a male worker. That’s almost 10 minutes of unpaid labor for every hour worked. But it’s not just unequal pay plaguing women across the...