All posts tagged "Glass ceiling"

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    Did you break the glass ceiling only to be headed for a glass cliff?

    In 2012, was having difficulty staying relevant when faced with competitors Google and Facebook. They were looking for a savior when they hired Marissa Mayer, an amazingly brilliant executive with a storied track record....

  • Malala Yousafzai

    Tips for women on how to break through the glass ceiling at work

    In this day and age, it is hard to believe that women still aren’t being treated fairly at work. As it turns out, however, women in today’s workplaces have a much harder time getting ahead...

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    The cultural glass ceiling

    The Diversity Council of Australia released its first study on the ‘cultural glass ceiling’ last year — a report that was long overdue. The conversation of diversity in Australia has mainly been about the number...

  • Can you break through a glass ceiling?

    Good gracious yes, we all know that we’re nearly 20 years into the new millennium and it’s outrageous that glass ceilings are still an issue, but it’s a fact of life. There are certainly women...

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    5 reasons business women still face a glass ceiling

    You would think that one benefit of the 21st century is that men and women can compete on an even footing. The sad truth is that we are still a long way away from that...

  • Gold egg in nest from hay close-up

    How to build your nest egg despite a glass ceiling

    In today’s world, we’ve all heard the term “glass ceiling.” It is usually applied when talking about opportunities for women to move into high-level management positions within the corporate world. It is mentioned when talking...

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    Are women breaking the glass ceiling in tech?

    History was made when Hillary Clinton got on stage to deliver her speech for the presidential nomination acceptance. The video playing behind her literally showed a cracked glass ceiling emphasizing that finally one of the...

  • How to stop dumbing yourself down

    Does the glass ceiling really exist?

    We hear a lot about the glass ceiling, and how it prevents women from achieving at the highest levels. But is there really a glass ceiling or are we as women holding each other back?...

  • Approaching a glass cliff

    Approaching a glass cliff, what to do

    We’ve all heard about the ‘glass ceiling’; Approaching a glass cliff is a barrier that prevents women from rising up beyond a particular (invisible) level to the top rungs of the corporate ladder, despite being...

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