All posts tagged "management"

  • service stress sitting is the new smoking struggling at work disaster recovery stress in the workplace

    Stress in the workplace: Why women are more prone to it

    This quide explores the reasons that women are more likely than men to suffer stress in the workplace, what is behind each of the causes, and what can be done to relieve it. Throughout history,...

  • Making change management child’s play

    Change is constant, it’s a fact. From the broader business world to the everyday office, change is vital – to meet regulatory obligations, plan for business growth, revise company visions and missions, and to achieve...

  • sustainable future Why work life balance is important business growth strategies eco friendly jobs strategies for business growth

    The value of greener waste management in business

    There are many things that you need to be aware of if you are to be able to run your business in the best way possible. If you are hoping for your business to be...

  • further your career work with stress what to wear for a Zoom interview

    Managing your energy on a ‘shoestring’

    We think of shoestring budgets in terms of finances — we need to achieve an outcome with limited funds and we must find creative ways to pull off miracles.  But have you also felt that...

  • team engagement productive office a safe workplace

    How to maximise team efficiency

    One of the constant worries that hang over business owners’ heads is how they can save time, and make their workforce more efficient. These days, the average professional is spending more and more time in...

  • social distancing rules

    5 tips for meeting with an investor

    Starting a new business can be challenging on many levels, but one of the most common challenges that entrepreneurs face when starting a new business relates to funding. You may have full faith in the...

  • DNS attacks Big data define the future building a website from scratch

    7 Signs your business needs a software upgrade

    As your business grows and develops, there will often be a number of signs which suggest that your current setup simply isn’t meeting your evolving needs. Some of these signs will be fairly obvious —...

  • employee disputes gender discrimination

    10 questions to ask before hiring a WordPress developer

    Nowadays, creating an online presence to get your product or service in front of thousands or millions of people doesn’t have to take long. Gone are the days when you had to rely on someone...

  • Growing your startup for green production

    Manufacturing a safer planet: Go green with your production

    This guide outlines strategies and tactics for green production in your business, starting with an audit. Despite many claiming that we live in a post-industrial age, the manufacturing sector is still the global economy’s biggest...

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