All posts tagged "management"
What Kim Kardashian and successful businesses agree on: backend management
Entrepreneurs could take one lesson from Kim Kardashian: the importance of looking after your backend. If you’ve ever tried to start your own business, you’ll have noticed something: there’s an endless stream of admin jobs....
The no 1 leadership lesson no one dares tell you
The hardest fact of all is that our success is ultimately limited by our biggest weakness. And, our biggest weakness is usually the one that no one dares to tell us about. Sure, we can...
5 Key ways to earn respect
“Earn your leadership every day” — Michael Jordan In business, the true resources you have are the people you work with. I’m referring to the relationships you build with your colleagues throughout your career journey....
Why being your own boss could boost work-life balance
Are you sick of working long hours for no reward? Are you struggling to juggle work, a social life, and motherhood? Do you feel guilty getting home when the kids are already tucked up in...