All posts tagged "social media marketing"
Infographic: The women’s small business guide to successful Facebook advertising
The internet has already proven itself to be an unprecedented tool for self-empowerment. Now Facebook Ads offer independent businesswomen the opportunity to create successful, highly-targeted adverts without the need to establish a separate marketing team...
Guerrilla marketing: From zero to hero using your imagination
The first time we heard of the term guerilla it was in reference to battle tactics; an unconventional style of skirmishes where small groups of stealthy combatants would use the element of surprise to their...
How to build your personal brand on YouTube?
YouTube is the second most popular website on the Internet, right between Google and Facebook. If you have a social media strategy for personal branding, then YouTube has to be part of it. You still haven’t...
Building a global online presence with impact
Business has been and always will be an area of intense competition. Of course, this competition is necessary for markets to be fair. But, it can out a lot of stress on smaller business who...
Boost your startup with key tech
Starting a business requires that you have a lot of know how about many different subjects. Increasingly, one of the most important subjects you need to have a grasp of is technology. The more that...
Old vs new ways to get your brand name out there
Finding ways to garner new customers can be a huge challenge in modern business. With so many competing companies, it can be difficult to simply stand out. And, with the Internet, it doesn’t matter where...
No office, no costs, no problem
Are you interested in starting your own business this year? Of course, you are because by becoming an entrepreneur you can easily make a lot of money in no time at all. If you’re thinking...
Get organised and market yourself
Sometimes it is difficult to be organised and tidy. Life gets busy and we don’t usually get the time to tidy up but being organised means that you have a more productive day and therefore...
Savvy marketing for solopreneurs
Building a business all on your own is difficult. You oversee all the little details as a solopreneur, including the marketing that brings customers to you. Online marketing can be frustrating because there is so...